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Two countries, one goal, joint success! Essential and toxic microelements in grains of Fusarium- infected maize and wheat genotypes: ICP-MS analysis Zsuzsanna.

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Presentation on theme: "Two countries, one goal, joint success! Essential and toxic microelements in grains of Fusarium- infected maize and wheat genotypes: ICP-MS analysis Zsuzsanna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Essential and toxic microelements in grains of Fusarium- infected maize and wheat genotypes: ICP-MS analysis Zsuzsanna Kolbert, Attila Ördög, Ágnes Vashegyi, László Erdei

2 Materials and methods Two countries, one goal, joint success! Sample preparation : 500 – 1000 mg from each sample microwave digestion in nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide dilution to 200 - 400 X Measurement: Microelement analysis (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo, Cd, Pb) by ICP- MS device Plant material : 2 maize genotypes (two sampling times) 13 wheat genotypes Infection : Fusarium graminearum Fusarium culmorum Fusarium verticillioides

3 The advantages of an ICP-MS More than 1000 samples in one week (up to 250 samples/day) More than 15 000 data from the analysis Lot of information in a few seconds (less than a second per element) User-friendly software (PlasmaLab), which makes the data analysis easier and faster Two countries, one goal, joint success!

4 Microelement contents in the two maize genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success! GK-SaroltaGK-Boglár

5 Mn content in maize genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

6 Fe content in maize genotypes

7 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Co content in maize genotypes

8 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Ni content in maize genotypes

9 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Cu content in maize genotypes

10 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Zn content in maize genotypes

11 Two countries, one goal, joint success! As content in maize genotypes

12 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Se content in maize genotypes

13 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Mo content in maize genotypes

14 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Cd content in maize genotypes

15 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Pb content in maize genotypes

16 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Microelement contents in 13 different wheat genotypes Manastur - TM Sanandrei - TM Faget-TM Pietroasa- TM Lovrin -TM Aldesti -TM Dudestii Vechi -TM Horea - Ar Siria - Ar Recas - Ar Semlac - Ar Paulis - Ar Barzava - Ar

17 Mn content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

18 Fe content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

19 Co content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

20 Ni content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

21 Cu content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

22 Zn content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

23 As content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

24 Se content in different wheat genotypes Two countries, one goal, joint success!

25 Mo content in different wheat genotypes

26 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Cd content in different wheat genotypes

27 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Pb content in different wheat genotypes

28 Two countries, one goal, joint success! Pb content in different wheat genotypes

29 Summary Maize genotypes: Infections by all Fusarium strains increased the concentrations of microelements (Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu) and toxic metals (Cd, Pb) in the grains Wheat genotypes: Mn and Ni concentration were high in Barzava-Ar Fe, Co, As content were higher in the chaff compared to grains in all genotypes In the chaff of Horea-Ar high Pb and As concentrations were measured  protection for the grain Two countries, one goal, joint success!


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