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Programme Developers Summit, Jambville 2010 New handbook and progressive scheme for scout age in Czech Republic Junak - Association of Scouts and Guides.

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Presentation on theme: "Programme Developers Summit, Jambville 2010 New handbook and progressive scheme for scout age in Czech Republic Junak - Association of Scouts and Guides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programme Developers Summit, Jambville 2010 New handbook and progressive scheme for scout age in Czech Republic Junak - Association of Scouts and Guides Czech Republic Kontakty:

2 Which tools are used for age 11-15 years Support personal development Educational objectives through all ages Activities for personal development Handbook for personal development (four levels) Motivation tools (symbolic framework, card game stickers, prestigious exam…) Handbook for new members

3 How to support the personal development? Development of key competences Areas and subjects are based on key competences (we answered ourselves how young people should look like after scout education) Manager´s competences Psychological competences Environmental competences Spiritual competences Skills and knowledge Areas and subjects make structure of educational objective comprehensible for leaders and young people KEY COMPETENCES Manager´s competences Psychological competences Environmental competences Spiritual competences Skills and knowledge AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT

4 How to support the personal development? Areas and subjects of development 6 „relation-based“ areas of development What I can and know Who I am My fried My home World around us Nature around us 27 subjects of development divided into areas Crisis situation Interconnected world My team My citizeship …

5 How to support the personal development? In each subject is proposal of activities for development. It´s really activities („I will go and will do something“) Activities are chosen by the child, some of them are obligatory Feedback on activity is make by three people (the child himself and by two from this choice: scout leader, young leader, friend, family or specialist) Activities choosed by child

6 How to support the personal development? Personal handbook with attractive design Format A6 for each level (4 books) Fullcolor printing Symbolic framework (four elements or fantasy)

7 Are we able to give to young people the education in attractive design? Four elements as symbolic framework General but still interesting symbolic framework One concrete adaptation (fantasy world) but it´s possible to change by simple way Adventure world where is a lot of heroes, person and creatures. It´s possible to go through on four levels, by four tracks (for each age etape one) motivated by four elements: Earth → Earth Track Water → Water Track Air → Air Track Fire → Fire Track

8 Are we able to give to young people the education in attractive design? Choose the person and get some „helpers“ Child choose the person as which he will go through adventure world of four elements Support in form of sticker (pre-printed or possible to print individually) For reaching of all subjects from one area they can get an „helper“ – positive creature from adventure world

9 How to motivate children for personal developement? Sacculus – scout card game as motivation tool Motivation tool for personal developement Everybody have the base of game. Next cards is possible to get only for reaching of points in personal handbook Game with fantasy legend, word of hobbits, elfs and another creatures Bigger personal developement in reality means more possibilities in game

10 How to motivate children for personal developement? Give some awards to succesful children Only for children which finish one of four levels (motivation for finalisation of levels) Prestigious exam one hour of vigils sunshine on hill returning back to the camp in day or in night 24 hours of silence, hunger and solitary 24 hours on the three 2 days with nothing

11 How to integrate new members into scounting? Handbook for new-comers For new-comers in age 10-11 years They come from previous age (8-10) or from outside The main subjects Scouting My unit and patrol Basic scout skills Possible to modify it by unit

12 Where we continue now? New progressive scheme for cubs

13 Where we continue now? New progressive scheme for cubs

14 Where we continue now? New progressive scheme for cubs

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