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Apostrophe S! The evil evil punctuation!. What is it? In English sentences can get very long sometimes. In order to save time we use ’s at the end of.

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Presentation on theme: "Apostrophe S! The evil evil punctuation!. What is it? In English sentences can get very long sometimes. In order to save time we use ’s at the end of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Apostrophe S! The evil evil punctuation!

2 What is it? In English sentences can get very long sometimes. In order to save time we use ’s at the end of some naming words. It can be used to show that one of the other naming word in the sentence belongs to the first name. This is called a ‘Possessive S’

3 For example Can you spot the 2 naming words and the ’s ? Circle the 2 naming words involved in green. Circle the one not involved in red. Circle the ’s in yellow. The Bamboo fell on the Panda’s Head.

4 Can you do the same again? The Knight’s helmet made a loud bang when it hit the floor. The Shark’s teeth looks very sharp. The water is leaking into the Pirate’s Ship.

5 Try to add the ’s in the right place The monkey banana fell down the tree The Lion prey ran away. The Hippo pond was drying up in the heat. ’s

6 Now you are ready! Try out WS0305 Monkey’s ride Now that you know how to use ’s the 6 sentences. Next in those 2 boxes write 2 sentences The back is for homework. Good Luck, and don’t forget what is a ‘Possessive S’!

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