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Unit 10 The world around us Unit 10 The world around us Period 3.

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1 Unit 10 The world around us Unit 10 The world around us Period 3


3 Task 2: Revision 1.Vocabulary (P 140 ) original ideas an original play an original movie the best original music valuable information valuable advice a valuable necklace a valuable friend 原创剧本 独到的见解 原版电影 最佳原创音乐 有价值的情报 重要的建议 贵重的项链 难得的朋友

4 the flat land a flat box a flat plate a flat tire an attractive girl an attractive project an attractive dish an attractive journey a brief letter a brief visit a brief introduction a cold & brief welcome 平坦的土地 扁平的盒子 浅口的盘子 漏气的轮胎 一个美丽动人的女孩子 一个吸引人的项目 一道诱人的佳肴 一次令人神往的旅行 一封短信 短暂的访问 简要介绍 冷淡而简短的欢迎

5 Task 3: Language study (P 67-68 ) 1.John is doing what he can to save the animals _______. save the animals _______. 2. There are many people I want to thank for having helped me to thank for having helped me win this award, but ________ win this award, but ________ I want to thank my mother, who I want to thank my mother, who first taught me to recycle when first taught me to recycle when I was very young. I was very young. in danger first of all

6 3. There’re many different answers to the question why dinosaurs ___ ___ about 65 million years ago. 4. The water in this river has been seriously polluted. Many fishes die every day. We have to ____ _______ to solve this problem. 5.If everyone starts caring about the environment, it will _________________. died out take measures make a big difference

7 Task 4:Grammar A panda said, “We can’t survive without all the bamboos around us.” A panda said that they couldn ’ t survive without all the bamboos around them.

8 A fox asked, “Can human beings stop hunting for wild animals?” A fox asked if human beings could stop hunting wild animals.

9 A kangaroo asked, “Where Can I find good grassland to make our children grow happy & strong? A kangaroo asked where she could find grassland to make their children grow happy & strong.

10 A hippo said to us, “Give us freedom and don’t keep us in the zoo.” A hippo told us to give them freedom and not to keep them in the zoo.

11 Task 5:Reading  He asked some students if they knew … & how many centers there were at present…  The Ss told him that they didn’t know… and they were very interested in it and wanted to do…  He explained to the Ss that very…,but it disappeared…  He said that since the first deer…  He told the Ss that…  He said … / He hoped …  He asked everybody…

12 Task 6:Language points 1. devote oneself / sth. to doing / sth. eg. devote much time to sport devote one ’ s life to the research devote oneself to protecting animals 2. at present 3.explaine sth. to sb./ ~ to sb. sth. 4.set free

13 Task 7:Pair work Make up a dialogue Make up a dialogue according to the text. according to the text.

14 Homework: Grammar Grammar Exx ½,P 141 Exx ½,P 141

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