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 Any activity in society generate waste  Definition- “substances or objects which are disposed off or are intended to be disposed off as by the provisions.

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2  Any activity in society generate waste  Definition- “substances or objects which are disposed off or are intended to be disposed off as by the provisions of the law” SOLID WASTE  With the progress of civilization, the waste generated become more complex nature  At the end of the 19 th century the industrial revolution saw the earth itself becoming more polluted with the generation of tones and tones of solid waste

3  The sight of dustbin overflowing and the stench rising from it are all too familiar sights and smells of crowded city  Changing life style such as use of canned soft drinks, aluminium foils, plastics, mobile phones etc. pose a lot of waste management challenges

4  Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials generated from residential, industrial and commercial activities in a given area Classification based on source  House hold waste (municipal solid waste )  Industrial waste  Biomedical waste or hospital waste or infectious waste  Hazardous waste

5 Municipal solid waste  the waste generated from domestic sector  It consist of household waste, construction and demolition debris, sanitation residue and waste from streets Industrial waste  Solid waste from industrial sector  Major generators are metal, chemical, paper, pesticide, dye, refining, and rubber processing industries

6 Hospital waste  Hospital waste is generated during the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals  It may include wastes in the form of disposable syringes, swabs, bandages, body fluids, human excreta, etc.  These wastes are highly infectious and can be serious threat to human health

7 Hazardous waste  This category include old batteries, shoe polish, paint tins, old medicines, and medicine bottles  Can be chronically and acutely toxic, which can cause cancer, trigger birth defects and infect humans and animals

8  Poor waste management coupled with complexity of the type of waste produced posses a great challenge to the well being of human beings with great risks to public health. Impacts of solid waste on land environment  contamination of land or soil by considerable quantities of substances resulting in the reduction of its fertility or productivity with respect to the quantitative and qualitative yield of crops is known as land pollution.

9 Land pollutants  Fertilizers  Dead animals  Demolished buildings  Metals  Insecticides  Plastics  Leather

10  Deteriorating soil quality and decrease in vegetation are consequence of open solid waste dumping  Open dumps of solid waste serve as breeding grounds for rats, flies, birds, and other organisms that serve as disease vectors  The land value of areas near solid waste dump site will be very low. Compared to the market price, as no one wants to live near a solid waste land fill site

11  Solid waste landfills attract birds, which can threaten aircraft landing and take off.  Assessment of soil pollution becomes difficult when contamination ( which can alter the soil chemistry) belong to different sources and these products are variably distributed in the solid waste dump site.  Open dumps creates public nuisance.

12  The hazards caused by open solid waste dumping, affects the plant life on the site finally leading towards an irreversible soil erosion.  The contamination of soil by heavy metal can cause adverse effects on human health, animals and soil productivity ( once deposited, these heavy metals are not degraded and persist in the environment for many years poisoning humans through inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption).

13  Metals present cause physiological disorders in soils, as absorption, through root system consequently retards plant growth.  Toxic chemicals such as DDT, poly chlorinated biphenyls have been found to enter our food chain through the consumption of plants and vegetables cultivated near solid waste open dumps.  The movement of such toxic chemicals through the environment, ultimately results in bio- magnification(contaminated soil being the source)

14  Improper solid waste management leads to substantial negative environmental impacts ( i.e pollution of air, soil, and water and generation of green house gases from landfills), and health and safety problems such as diseases spread by insects and rodents attracted by garbage  Solid waste must properly managed and disposed off

15  The rain water run-off from solid waste open dumps contaminations near by surface water source.  Leachate, the liquid discharge ( consist of toxic materials and pathogenic organisms ) from dumps and landfills can alter aquatic habitats and harm native plants and animals  Solid waste open dumps pose serious threat to the groundwater sources during rain water seepage through the ground.

16  Solid waste dumping deteriorates water quality which result in decrease in vegetation abundance.  The high nutrient content in wastes( especially in the municipal solid waste ) can deplete dissolved oxygen in water bodies, denying oxygen to aquatic life.

17  Municipal supply of potable water to areas near open dumps may be affected by leachate intrusion.  Health and safety problems to humans and animals due to solid waste dumping( due to water borne disease spread by micro organisms).

18  There has been a rise in the amount of waste being generated daily by each household.( rising demand for food and other essentials).  This waste is ultimately thrown into municipal waste collection centers from where it is collected by the local municipalities, to be further thrown into landfills and dumps.

19  Accumulation of waste leads to substantial negative environmental impacts ( e.g. pollution of air, soil and water, and generation of green house gases from land fills)and health and safety problems.

20  It is wet waste that decomposes and release a bad a odour which leads to unhygienic conditions and thereby rise in health problems.  Generation of green house gases from solid waste landfills( significant source of methane, a gas with 21 times the effect of carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the atmosphere ) adds up the problems of climate change. 

21  Deteriorating the existing ambient air quality in the near by areas of open solid waste dumping( burning of solid waste creates thick smoke that contains carbon monoxide, soot and nitrogen oxide, all of which are hazardous to human health and degrade urban air quality) (combustion of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) generates highly carcinogenic dioxins).

22  High risks to rag – pickers and workers working with waste experience toxic exposure of dioxin, furans etc.  Open dumps of solid waste serve as breeding grounds for rats, flies, birds and other organisms that serve as disease vectors.

23  As the community tolerance for land fills decreases, they move far away from open dump sites. This requires collection trucks to drive long distances collect the solid waste. Also, the complexity of collection routes can affect energy consumption. This frequent and lengthy travel by vehicles is also detrimental to air quality and results in increased greenhouse gas emissions.

24  Improper solid waste management is the main cause of environmental pollution. The main impacts are listed below  Health and safety problems to humans and animals due to solid waste dumping (due to spread of water borne disease)  Prolonged exposure of air pollutants cause bronchitis, pneumonia, and other respiratory disease.

25  If heavy metals get deposited, it persist in the environment for many years poisoning humans through inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption.  The contamination of soil by heavy metal can cause adverse effects on human health, animals and soil productivity

26  Anaerobic decomposition of solid waste releases bad odour which leads to unhygienic conditions and thereby rise in health problems

27  Today solid waste management has become major concern.  Accumulation of waste or rather inefficient methods of waste disposal have caused serious environmental as well as health issues  Selection of suitable landfill is very important

28  Land fills should not only be designed scientifically and located at a safe distance from human settlements but also should be well lined and walled to ensure that there is no leakage into the nearby ground water sources.

29  Hence the development of new techniques for collection, transportation, processing, recycling or monitoring of solid wastes( i.e proper solid waste management) is the prime need of the hour for the society to grow sustainability.

30  Philosophy and design principle for the 21 st century.  Zero waste concept is a philosophy that encourage the design of resource lifecycles so that all products are reused i.e. no trash is sent to landfills and incinerators.  The concept of “ zero waste” includes one hundred percent reuse and recycling rate coupled with recovery of all resources from waste materials.

31  Maximize recycling  Minimize waste  Reduce consumption  Ensure products can be reused, repaired or recycled back to nature.

32  The waste for one species is food for another.  So that within an ecosystem virtually all wastes are continually recycled, requiring only additional supplies of energy.  Zero waste is a unifying concept for a range of measures aimed at mimicking natures successful strategies to make our industrial system work.  This concept encourages the shift from a linear conventional resource use and disposal culture to a “closed loop” system

33  Moving towards zero waste is a cultural as well as physical challenge to humanity.  A successful zero waste initiative requires that we redefine the concept of waste in our society.  In past waste was considered as a natural by product of our culture.  Now waste should be considered as a resource.

34  The Rs are meant to be hierarchy, in the order of importance, first Reduce then Reuse thereafter Recycle.  Base of environmental awareness and a way or promoting ecological balance through conscious behavior and choices.

35  Savings in the material and energy will benefit the environment.  Reduce or prevent green house gas emissions, reduce release of pollutants, conserve resources, save energy and reduce demand for waste treatment technologies and landfill space.

36  Minimize the generation of waste at the source by using minimum resources.  Do not use what you do not need.  Low waste or no waste society.  Reduce unnecessary waste – carry your on shopping bag when going to market.

37  Reuse the elements of discarded items. e.g. bottles pen stands  Use shopping bags made of jute or cloth.  Waste from one industry is the valuable source for another industry.

38  cloth rags paper industry (textile industry)  Bagasse pulp and paper industry ( sugar industry)

39 Reuse Recycling Energy recovery Disposal Prevention Minimization Most favored option Least favored option

40 Three phases  first the waste is sorted and recyclables are collected.  The recyclables are used to create raw materials.  Thereafter these raw materials are used in the production of products.

41  Reduce the waste hence making environment cleaner.  E.g. plastics and metal scrap  The waste material that can neither be reused nor recycled must be disposed of in a proper manner with minimum impact to the environment.

42 Types of recycling  Upcycle- converting low value material into high value products( more desirable)  Down cycle-converting valuable products into low value material( less desirable)

43 Recycle Resources to the greatest possible extent Reduce Waste as much as possible Reuse Products as many times as possible 3R CONCEPT

44  Carry your own cloth or jute bag when you go for shopping  Say no to plastic bags as far as possible  Separate the waste in the house to biodegradable and non biodegradable.  Dig a compost pit in your garden for biodegradable waste.  Use dustbin properly  Check that all garbage is thrown into the municipal bin which is the collection point.

45  Only 7%-15% of the waste produced is recycled.  All the waste prevention methods need public participation.  A large number of NGO’s and private sector enterprises have taken initiatives in segregation and recycling of waste.

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