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1 Legal Deposit of Online Publications Mireille Laforce Coordinator, Legal Deposit Department Acquisitions – Heritage Collection October 1st, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Legal Deposit of Online Publications Mireille Laforce Coordinator, Legal Deposit Department Acquisitions – Heritage Collection October 1st, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Legal Deposit of Online Publications Mireille Laforce Coordinator, Legal Deposit Department Acquisitions – Heritage Collection October 1st, 2004

2 2 1. Legal Deposit 2. Legal Deposit of Online Publications a. Favoured Approach b. Timetable c. Work Organization and Tools 3. Coming Issues

3 3 MAKING AVAILABLE published heritage COLLECTING and PRESERVING published heritage 1.Legal Deposit Bibliothèque nationale’s Mission:

4 4 “ Every shall deposit with the library, free of charge, of every edition of every document published by the publisher, within of its publication. ” (section 20.1) publisher 7 days 2 copies Act respecting the Bibliothèque nationale du Québec

5 5 Online publications 2001 B ooks Brochures P eriodicals M usical scores 1968 Performing arts programs 2003 1992 Posters Poscards Prints Artwork reproductions Sound recordings Microform publications Electronic documents Legal Deposit Expansion Geographical maps Plans 1980

6 6 Selective approach: Publications that can « stand alone », independently of their site of origin 2. Legal Deposit of Online Publications a. Favoured approach

7 7 Quebec web Quebec government’s official sites ministry web site Priority to monographs and serial publications

8 8 1996 - Initial thoughts and works review of material discussions with various participants including the National Library of Canada and Archives nationales du Québec 1998- Implementation BNQ’s electronic-publication work group Adoption of guiding principles and procedural framework 2. Legal Deposit of Online Publications b. Timetable

9 9 PHASE I (February-September 2001) 750 titles / 21 ministries and organizations (Bank of Online Government Publications) PHASE II (May-December 2002) 1 250 titles / 3 ministries (Culture et Communications, Éducation, Finances) PHASE IV (2006?- ) 15 000 titles 1000 para-governmental sector PHASE VI (2007?- ) 12 000 titles 600 private sector organizations 2. Legal Deposit of Online Publications b. Timetable PHASE III (2003- ) 25000 titles 125 ministries and organizations 2004 licence agreement with Publications du Québec (official editor)

10 10 2. Legal deposit of Online Publications c. Work Organization and Tools

11 11 Serveur    7. Processing 6. Publication available online through OPAC and eventually Digital library 4. Creation of an entry in the digital library and catalogue, using Metsys 5. Recording of the legal deposit in the legal deposit module  2. Information transferred to the legal- deposit management system 1. The depositor fills out and online legal deposit publication form 3. Validation and capture of the files 2. Legal Deposit of Online Publications c. Work organization and tools 

12 12 Governmental web pages Qualities of administrative texts Historical and legal needs 3. Legal Deposit Issues Archiving governmental web sites

13 13 Mireille Laforce Coordinator, Legal Deposit Department Acquisitions – Heritage Collection Bibliothèque nationale du Québec 2275, rue Holt Montréal (Québec) H2G 3H1 Phone : (514) 873-1100 Toll free : 1 800 363-9028 Fax : (514) 873-4310 email :

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