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T he Teaching for Effective Learning resource with Karen CorneliusDeb Merrett Curriculum Director Curriculum Manager Learning and TeachingTeaching for.

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Presentation on theme: "T he Teaching for Effective Learning resource with Karen CorneliusDeb Merrett Curriculum Director Curriculum Manager Learning and TeachingTeaching for."— Presentation transcript:

1 T he Teaching for Effective Learning resource with Karen CorneliusDeb Merrett Curriculum Director Curriculum Manager Learning and TeachingTeaching for Effective Learning ULearn Conference Educator Session

2 Where to today?

3 “Did you know that research shows that student engagement is greater if you start every lesson with laughter!” Professor of the Learning Sciences - Guy Claxton Director - Centre for Real World Learning UK Port Pirie March 19 2009

4 Degrees of Separation

5 Educating for the 21 st Century “We are currently preparing students for jobs and technologies that don’t yet order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.”

6 Educating for the 21 st Century “We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein

7 Educating for the 21 st Century “The illiterate of the 21 st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Alvin Toffler

8 21 st Century Pedagogy a8ZU

9 Futures Oriented: Modern Workplace Characterised by;  Team work  Managing uncertainty  Value process  Non-linearity  Flexible thinking  Problem solving

10 What are some of the thinkers saying?  Martin Westwell - Executive Function  Michael Fullen – Social and emotional intelligence ;  Allan Luke – hidden curriculum  Lucas Walsh – generation of scientists  Victoria Carrington – networking  Peter Brink – define successful learner & active citizen.

11 Time to ponder…… How do you see your role as an educator in the 21 st century? What is your understanding of “pedagogy”? What 2 pedagogical beliefs are important to you?

12 WHAT IS PEDAGOGY? WHAT IS PEDAGOGY? Pedagogy involves much more than its most obvious component, the tasks that teachers set. It includes the ways in which teachers interact with students; that is how they question and respond to questions, use students’ ideas and respond to students’ diverse backgrounds and interests. It includes the social and intellectual climate that teachers seek to create and the types of learning that they set out to promote. It also includes the decisions they make about framing the content around a series of tasks to be completed or as key ideas and skills that are revisited and built on. Teachers also need to think about how they link and sequence activities and how and what they assess. Principles of Learning and Teaching (POLTs), Victoria

13 What local research is telling us Dr Chris Goldspink University of Surrey UK What local research is telling us School Reform – An exploratory study of the impact of student centred learning in SA primary schools Dr Chris Goldspink University of Surrey UK Research Questions: How do children experience learning differently where a student focused approach is integrated into the school culture and the curriculum adopted is consistent with constructivist assumptions of learning? What are the collective outcomes of such change in terms of student achievement measured according to both traditional academic measures, meta-learning criteria and indexes of student wellbeing?

14 What do we mean by Higher Order Learning? Learners are able to: Articulate what they are learning and why they are learning it. Relate their learning to personal goals. Place their current learning in a wider context by linking it to a broader knowledge base or to areas of application or relevance.

15 Summary of Study Findings – greater choice in what students learnt – greater choice in how students learnt – learning which was more social – learning which was less class centred – teachers who were more interested and connected to their learners NB. Students did however enjoy slightly less choice about who to work with.

16 Statistically significant differences were evident: Statistically significant differences were evident: − Higher meta-cognitive/thinking skills − Higher overall achievement on LaN (now NAPLaN) tests − Higher ‘on task’ behaviour associated with greater interest and less boredom. − Higher happiness and satisfaction − Higher social functioning − Higher disposition to learning − Overall higher wellbeing − Stronger overall performance on problem solving/thinking tests. Dr Chris Goldspink University of Surrey UK School Reform – An exploratory study of the impact of student centred learning in SA primary schools Dr Chris Goldspink University of Surrey UK

17 What is important to achieving higher order learning outcomes? A South Australian Case Study ‘ ; School A School B very interested very bored ‘Interest’ emerged as key self reporting by students

18 .24 involvement.11 interest.29 posaffect class.92 e1 e3 e2 -.52.51 age gender.29.06 negaffect -.36 e4.30 -.34 -.25.15 -.21 -.25.26 *TfEL data: predictors of involvement in learning * The SA Teaching for Effective Learning Framework Larger study L2L, Wellbeing, ICAN Range of school contexts.92

19 Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians December 2008 All young Australians become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens.

20 To create the SA position on Teaching and Learning– we needed teacher voices Teachers’ wisdom of practice Expert and research referenced


22 Triads Form a group of three Share something about your teaching practice that is successful. Why?

23 Conceptual ‘spotto’

24 Appreciative Action Strength Element: Why? … To work on: Element: What I already do: …

25 What is the connection between your pedagogical beliefs and your own learning strengths?



28 On a final note….. Let’s get a pedagogical DNA for the 21 st century! Greg Whitby

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