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W elcome to the Self-Esteem in Second Life Workshop for Women with SCI A research study conducted by: Center for Research on Women with Disabilities (CROWD)

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Presentation on theme: "W elcome to the Self-Esteem in Second Life Workshop for Women with SCI A research study conducted by: Center for Research on Women with Disabilities (CROWD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 W elcome to the Self-Esteem in Second Life Workshop for Women with SCI A research study conducted by: Center for Research on Women with Disabilities (CROWD) Spinal Cord Injury and Disability Research Center (SCIDR)

2 This workshop is designed to help participants: Learn more about self-esteem Meet other women with SCI Share ideas and experiences 2

3 Reminders Turn off phones, pagers, and non-adaptive equipment Mute the speak button when not speaking When on a break, set your status to away State your name before speaking 3

4 Today we will cover: Introductions An overview of the 7-week workshop Goal-setting and action planning 4

5 Introductions Tell us your Second Life name Share how you feel about having an avatar and moving around in Second Life 5

6 Workshop Overview Group sharing of action planning Review of material Group discussion Group exercises or activities Action planning Each session will include: 6

7 Practice and Learn (PAL) Time After each session, we will spend some time together in SL. PAL Time is designed to: –Offer some social interaction outside of the structured group –Reinforce what is covered in the session –Provide a fun way to help you get more comfortable and skilled using SL 7

8 PAL Time PAL Time is flexible. –You may join us for just a short time or you may kick-back and stay a while. It is up to you. PAL Time will begin right after each session. PAL Time will be on our own island most weeks. –We have two off-island PAL Time Excursions planned. We will let you know in advance when those are happening. 8

9 Confidentiality No guarantee other participants will keep what you share private Respect other participants’ information A good rule to follow is “Whatever is said in the workshop session stays in the session” 9

10 Commitment Prepare for each session Attend each session Be on time for each session Stay until the end of the session Participate in group discussions Hang around for our PAL Time Make and complete a weekly Action Plan 10

11 Commitment (cont.) Fill out the online survey after each session Complete the post-test interview with study staff, including a post-intervention evaluation of the workshop 11

12 Workshop Overview Week 2 –Overview of self-esteem, women, and SCI –Role of gender and disability socialization Week 3 –Learning to connect to self –Self-assessment 12

13 Workshop Overview (cont.) Week 4 –Caring for self –Relaxation training Week 5 –Connecting to others Week 6 –Communication and assertiveness Week 7 –Future planning 13

14 My Goals for the Workshop 14 Select one or two goals: 1. 2.

15 An action plan asks for: A specific action that you can realistically do within a certain amount of time. Something you really want to do and believe that you can do. 15

16 An action plan asks for: A specific behavior –WHAT you are going to do –WHERE you will do it –HOW MUCH or HOW MANY you will do –WHEN you will do it and –HOW OFTEN 16

17 An action plan asks for: How confident you are that you will complete your entire action plan? 17

18 Blank Action Plan Date:_______ My goal is to__________________________________ To reach my goal, between now and our next session, I will (fill in all that apply): __________________________________ (what?) __________________________________ (when?) __________________________________ (where?) __________________________________ (how much, how many, or how often?) 18

19 Action Planning Review How confident are you that you can accomplish or complete your action plan? _____ On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your confidence. 1__ _2_ __3_ __4_ __5_ __6_ __7_ __8_ __9_ __10 Not Halfway Completely at all confident 19

20 ACTION PLAN Progress Report For every day this week… Make a note of whether or not you did what you planned Add any comments on the experience 20

21 This Week You Will: Return to this location and review these materials Work on your action plan and record your progress 21

22 How to Contact Us E-mail: By phone: toll-free: 1-800-447-3422, ext. 5972 OR Houston area: 713-797-5972 22

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