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Common Core State Standards An Information Session for Parents Presented by Dulles, Escalona, and La Pluma Elementary Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core State Standards An Information Session for Parents Presented by Dulles, Escalona, and La Pluma Elementary Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core State Standards An Information Session for Parents Presented by Dulles, Escalona, and La Pluma Elementary Schools

2 Why Common Core Standards?

3 Instructional Shifts for Students in ELA Read as much non fiction as fiction Learn about the world by reading Read more challenging material closely Discuss reading using evidence Write non fiction using evidence Increase academic vocabulary

4 ELA/Literacy Shift 1: Read as much non-fiction as fiction

5 ELA/ Literacy Shift 2: Learn about the world by reading

6 ELA/Literacy Shift 3: Read more complex material carefully

7 ELA/Literacy Shift 4: Discuss reading using evidence

8 ELA/Literacy Shift 5 : Writing from sources

9 ELA/ Literacy Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary

10 Instructional Shifts for Students in ELA Read as much non fiction as fiction Learn about the world by reading Read more challenging material closely Discuss reading using evidence Write non fiction using evidence Increase academic vocabulary

11 The Hunger Dragon Parents experience a SBAC question What did you do as a reader?

12 How will our children be assessed? Information about Assembly Bill 484 The assessment system for California will be called the MAPP-Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress AB 484 does not impact the CELDT, CAHSEE, or PFT. These assessments will continue to be administered using previously established requriements

13 2013-14 MAPP for Elementary Schools Smarter Balanced field tests in ELA and math for grades 3-5 Science CST/CMA for grade 5 CAPA in ELA and math for grades 2-5 and Science for grade 5

14 Smarter Balanced Assessment

15 Common Core Resources for Parents

16 Q & A

17 Thank you for joining us on this journey of new teaching and learning!

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