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EC proposal: Formation of a Cooperation SIG Akinori Maemura APNIC 38 Brisbane, Australia Tuesday, 16th September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "EC proposal: Formation of a Cooperation SIG Akinori Maemura APNIC 38 Brisbane, Australia Tuesday, 16th September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 EC proposal: Formation of a Cooperation SIG Akinori Maemura APNIC 38 Brisbane, Australia Tuesday, 16th September 2014

2 Agenda History of the Public Policy Advisory Committee (PPAC) Proposal to create Cooperation SIG Procedure for forming a SIG Proposed Draft Charter Cooperation SIG BoF discussion 2

3 History of PPAC August 2010: APNIC 30 Gold Coast, Australia –Proposal for “Government Advisory Committee” Working Groups (WGs) may be formed around a particular work item and exist only as long as it takes to complete the task(s). –Objective: To discuss specific proposals in which governments can further develop their involvement in APNIC and report back at APNIC 32 September 2011: Busan, South Korea –WG delivered final report to AMM September 2011: November 2011 –APNIC EC issued Final Call for Comments Final Call for Comments: 9 September – 1 November 2011 Archived discussions: 3

4 History of PPAC cont’d December 2011: APNIC EC Meeting –Considered the Final Report and Final Call –Invited “formal expressions of interest from governmental stakeholders in participating in this proposed body” December 2012: APNIC EC Meeting –APNIC EC agreed to host PPAC as “a multi-stakeholder forum, considering issues of public policy” at each APNIC/APRICOT conference for a period of three years. 4

5 PPAC meetings to date APNIC 35: 26 February 2013, Singapore –Attendees: 90 –Presentations: 3 + Formation of Charter sub-committee APNIC 36: 27 August 2013, Xi’An, China –Attendees: 55 –Presentations: 5 + Discussion of Charter APNIC 37: 28 February 2014, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia –Attendees: 35 –Presentations: 4 APNIC 38: 16 September 2014, Brisbane, Australia 5

6 EC Proposal for Cooperation SIG To provide a venue for discussions about Internet issues related to APNIC community interests, but involving other organizations or communities Scope would include Public Policy and Internet Governance issues, such as: –network security regulation, –law enforcement cooperation, –whois privacy, –other related topics considered relevant by the APNIC community Modeled after the successful RIPE Cooperation Work Group – If approved by an initial BoF and the APNIC AMM –1st meeting would take place in March 2015 at APNIC 39, Fukuoka Japan 6

7 Procedure for SIG Formation Hold a preliminary BoF to: –Determine interest in the proposed subject area –Find a person to volunteer as acting Chair –Draft a charter for the SIG Seek endorsement at the AMM –Report BoF outcomes to AMM and seek consensus Create a mailing list for the SIG –Secretariat to create a mailing list. Call for SIG Chair and Co-Chair nominations First SIG session –Endorse charter –Elect Chair and Co-Chair(s) 7

8 Proposed Draft Charter The Cooperation SIG is a forum for discussion about broader Internet issues like Public Policy and Internet Governance which are related to APNIC community interests, but which involve other organizations or communities. The SIG should focus on information sharing, outreach, capacity building, and other activities which advance APNIC’s vision for a global, open, stable, and secure Internet. 8

9 Thank you 9

10 Cooperation SIG BoF 10

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