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ICT-AGRI / SmartAgriFood Joint Call Iver Thysen DASTI

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Presentation on theme: "ICT-AGRI / SmartAgriFood Joint Call Iver Thysen DASTI"— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT-AGRI / SmartAgriFood Joint Call Iver Thysen DASTI

2 Future Internet Concept app data App developer Another app developer app generic enablers

3 SmartAgriFood Call App development projects by SMEs using FI technology for an agricultural purpose Technological support from SmartAgriFood partners Project execution over 18 months in three stages: ▫ 50 prototype developments ▫ 40 tests in at least three countries ▫ 30 business cases Total funding 4 M€ - 100.000€ in average

4 ICT-AGRI Call Establish projects with SmartAgriFood applicants A kick off for implementing central issues of the Strategic Research Agenda and a base for further development in ICT-AGRI-2 Extend value by adding agricultural knowledge and data Provide testbeds for apps (including adaption of data to apps developed in a different country) Examples ▫ Knowledge base systems from agricultural research to the market ▫ Export of agricultural software to neighbour countries ▫ European wide ICT support to smart agricultural machines (invitation to the industry)

5 ICT-AGRI / SmartAgriFood2 Call SmartAgriFood2 will fund the main costs for implementation and administration for the call We have official accept of running the call in ICT-AGRI-2 Expected negotiation of SmartAgriFood2: 6 March 2014 Probable call launch: September 2014 Current ICT-AGRI interest for participation ▫ DASTI 0.5 -1.0 M€ ▫ DAFA 1.0 M€ ▫ LAS 0.3 M€ ▫ MMM 0.2 M€ ▫ Tekes ▫ GDAR

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