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2   y k y  rows ky =ky = Diffraction kyky yy Reciprocal space k x, k y Real space x, y.

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1 2   y k y  rows ky =ky = Diffraction kyky yy Reciprocal space k x, k y Real space x, y

2 Reciprocal space is seen in diffraction patterns. Reciprocal space is momentum space = k-space. The momentum p = ħ k is a key quantum number of electrons, phonons, … in solids. |k| = 2  / Everything is backwards in reciprocal space: Large distances  x in real space transform into small k-vectors k x = 2  /  x in reciprocal space. Waves are diffracted perpendicular to the diffracting lines or planes. This generates a 90 0 rotation of diffraction patterns. Reciprocal space versus real space

3 Rosalind Franklin’s x-ray diffraction pattern of DNA, which led to the double-helix model (Linus Pauling’s copy)

4 Single helixDouble helix Test patterns for simulating diffraction from DNA

5 Explaining the diffraction pattern of a helix d 2/d2/d Diffraction pattern of a green laser pointer Vertical X Horizontal line grating Vertical dots Horizontal X Side view of a helix (screw): Two tilted gratings

6 X-ray diffraction pattern of DNA b p  Diffraction pattern (negative) The DNA double helix p = period of one turn b = base pair spacing  = slope of the helix  2 p2 p 2  b

7 X-ray diffraction image of the protein myoglobin Protein crystallography has become essential for biochemistry, because the structure of a protein determines its function. This image contains about 3000 diffraction spots. All that information is needed to determine the positions of thousands of atoms in myoglobin.

8 Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) at surfaces 1D chain structure2D planar structure (7x7) D k = 2  /D K = 2  /d d Real spaceReciprocal space

9 Diffraction conditions k 0 k

10 Connect the Bragg condition with momentum conservation G k 0 k k0k0 k = k 0 + G

11 Energy and momentum conservation in diffraction Origin G-vector Energy conservation: Ewald sphere |k| = |k 0 | Momentum conservation: Vector triangle k = k 0 + G G arrow starts at the origin (000)

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