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Second Half of the Twentieth Century By: Mitchtreale Pea, Whitney Ford, Arbrielle Richardson.

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1 Second Half of the Twentieth Century By: Mitchtreale Pea, Whitney Ford, Arbrielle Richardson

2 DATES : 1952- Paul 2011 develops the 1 st cardiac pacemaker ; James Watson & Frick describe the DNA structure, 1969- Bernard performs the 1 st heart transplant, 1974- Vaccine for chicken pox, 1978- first test tube baby born in U.K., 1982- Dr. William implants the jarvic -7 fake artificial heart into patient Barney Clark, 1983- HIV virus that causes AIDS indentified, 1996- Dolly the sheep 1 st cloned from an woman cell



5 Economics During the Eisenhower era, Americans achieved a level of prosperity they had never known before. While other parts of the world struggled to rebuild from the devastation of World War II, citizens of the United States saw their standard of living surpass what previous generations had only dreamed about.

6 Scientist

7 James Watson Birthday: April 6, 1928 Origin: Chicago Beliefs: Major Advancement: structure of the DNA


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