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Intellectual Capital is the Driver of Innovation Turkey’s Participation in the European Knowledge Economy Conference Ankara, October 9, 2009 Daniel Andriessen.

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Presentation on theme: "Intellectual Capital is the Driver of Innovation Turkey’s Participation in the European Knowledge Economy Conference Ankara, October 9, 2009 Daniel Andriessen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intellectual Capital is the Driver of Innovation Turkey’s Participation in the European Knowledge Economy Conference Ankara, October 9, 2009 Daniel Andriessen Professor of Intellectual Capital INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2 Intangıble Capital is the Driver of Innovation Turkey’s Participation in the European Knowledge Economy Conference Ankara, October 9, 2009 Daniel Andriessen Professor of Intellectual Capital INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, The Netherlands

3 From a hunter to an agricultural economy Competing with muscle power Competing with land

4 From an agricultural to an industrial economy… Competing with labour Competing with capital

5 mass production Competing with capital Competing with clever organizing

6 From an industrial to a knowledge economy Competing with knowledgeCompeting with clever organizing

7 From an knowledge to an innovation economy Competing with innovationCompeting with knowledge

8 Did we make any progress? Muscle power Land Capital Knowledge Innovation Importance of knowledge

9 Importance of added value Muscle power Land Capital Knowledge Innovation

10 Why innovate? To become unique!

11 What makes you unique? What are you good at?

12 Competing on uniqueness and added value 34 12 Added value Uniqueness LowHigh Low High

13 Competing on uniqueness and added value 34 12 Added value Uniqueness LowHigh Low High

14 Competing on uniqueness and added value 34 12 Added value Uniqueness LowHigh Low High

15 Competing on uniqueness and added value 34 12 Added value Uniqueness LowHigh Low High

16 Competing on uniqueness and added value 34 12 Added value Uniqueness LowHigh Low High

17 Competing on uniqueness and added value 34 12 Added value Uniqueness LowHigh Low High

18 Competing on uniqueness and added value 34 12 This requires intellectual capital Uniqueness Low High Added value High Intangıble

19 Know your unique core competence


21 Using the core competence in decoration and design

22 Jentjens has build up its uniqueness ’50s – ’70s:from ship repair to steel construction ’70 – ‘80s:from steel construction to machine manufacturing ’90s:from machine manufacturing to engineering ’00s:from engineering to Oriented Handling® ’04:becoming an Original Equipment Manufacturer Investing in Intellectual Capital

23 Innovate yourself out of the crisis


25 A robot that can see, weigh, grab and sort

26 Explicit knowledge Implicit knowledge MIT Has Knowledge Companies Intellectual capital Financial capital Tangible capital Human CapitalStructural CapitalRelational Capital

27 Implicit knowledge SkillsAttitudeReputation McKinsey Has Skilled Workers Companies Intellectual capital Financial capital Tangible capital Human CapitalStructural CapitalRelational Capital

28 Implicit knowledge SkillsAttitude Explicit knowledge Philips Has Intellectual Property Companies Intellectual capital Financial capital Tangible capital Human CapitalStructural CapitalRelational Capital

29 Explicit knowledge Implicit knowledge SkillsAttitude ProcessesReputation McDonalds Has Processes Companies Intellectual capital Financial capital Tangible capital Human CapitalStructural capitalRelational capital

30 Explicit knowledge Processes Implicit knowledge SkillsAttitude Culture GE Has Pride and Ambition Companies Intellectual capital Financial capital Tangible capital Human CapitalStructural capitalRelational capital

31 Explicit knowledge Processes Culture Implicit knowledge SkillsAttitude ReputationNetworks Nike Does Not Manufacture Shoes Companies Intellectual capital Financial capital Tangible capital Human CapitalStructural capitalRelational capital

32 Explicit knowledge ProcessesCultureReputationNetworks Implicit knowledgeSkillsAttitude Customer capital Rabobank Has Involved Customers Companies Intellectual capital Financial capital Tangible capital Human CapitalStructural capitalRelational capital


34 Thank You! Dr. Daniel Andriessen Professor of Intellectual Capital INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences Hoofddorp The Netherlands +31-235438099

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