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SECTION 1512 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "SECTION 1512 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 SECTION 1512 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

2 Quarterly Report Periods Quarter Vendor Report Period Quarter Employment Impact Report Period 102/17/09 - 09/30/091 202/17/09 - 12/31/09210/01/09 - 12/31/09 302/17/09 - 03/31/10301/01/10 - 03/31/10 402/17/09 - 06/30/10404/01/10 - 06/30/10 502/17/09 - 09/30/10507/01/10 - 09/30/10 602/17/09 - 12/31/10610/01/10 - 12/31/10 702/17/09 - 03/31/11701/01/11 - 03/31/11 802/17/09 - 06/30/11804/01/11 - 06/30/11 902/17/09 - 09/30/11907/01/11 - 09/30/11 More information regarding quarterly report requirements can be found in the FAQ document on DPI’s website

3 Report Process DPI sends grant recipients Vendor/Employment Impact Surveys.  Grant recipients will only receive a survey for an ARRA grant program if a claim has been paid at least once between 2/17/09 and the end of the current quarter.  Grant recipients will generally be finished completing surveys following the quarter that a FINAL claim is submitted. A FINAL claim indicates that all ARRA dollars have been spent for the program area. Please be aware that grant recipients may be contacted with questions even after submitting final claims.  DPI will e-mail Vendor/Employment Impact Surveys to the administrator and the contact person.  Vendor/Employment Impact survey will only be sent to the second contact person if the agency administrator has identified one to DPI.

4 Report Process Grant recipients complete the surveys and submit to the DPI. DPI reports the survey results to Wisconsin’s Office of Recovery and Reinvestment ‘s (ORR). ORR uploads the data to the website.

5 Vendor/Employment Impact Survey Overview DPI will use Vovici survey software to collect data for the Vendor/Employment Impact Surveys. Grant recipients will need to open their SPAM filter to allow messages from and the following domain names:  

6 Vendor/Employment Impact Survey Overview The survey will cover 2 areas:  Vendor contract information  Jobs directly funded by ARRA (excluding CESAs and CCDEBs) The survey will contain helpful links for additional technical assistance.

7 Vendor/Employment Impact Survey Overview Surveys are typically sent two weeks before the end of each report period. A quarterly reporting timeline can be found on the DPI website.DPI website If you do not receive a Vendor/Employment Impact Survey for one or more of your ARRA grant programs, follow these steps: 1. Determine if the organization has ever received reimbursement for claims made for each specific ARRA grant program; 2. Check with the administrator and their additional contact person to determine if a survey was received via e-mail. 3. Ask IT support to check the SPAM filter. 4. Contact DPI for assistance. (Program specific contact information is on the last three slides of this presentation.)


9 Report the following information for every vendor that received a single payment of $25,000 or more in ARRA funds:  Unique identifying number (i.e. purchase order or vendor number)  Vendor name  Zip code of vendor headquarters (i.e. 555559999)  Product(s) or service(s) description  Expenditure amount (2/17/09 – end of current quarter)

10 Vendor Information All ARRA vendor reporting must be cumulative If a vendor payment was reported to DPI during the first report period, that payment must be reported again PLUS any additional payments made during subsequent report periods. First report period payment = $30,000 Sixth report period payment= $5,000 Sixth period report = $35,000

11 Reporting Errors/Omissions - Vendors If a grant recipient notices an error in a vendor payment on a submitted survey within four days of submission, the district should e-mail DPI right away. Include extent of the error, accurate data reflecting the correction, and a specific date for the correction. If a grant recipient made a Vendor payment omission in the vendor section on a previous vendor/employment impact survey, the grant recipient should include the payment in the current quarter’s survey. If the grant recipient notices a payment error that exceeds the actual payment, contact DPI.


13 Report the number of fulltime equivalent (FTE) positions directly funded by ARRA. This includes:  Positions employed by the district and  Position employed by vendors regardless of contract payment amount (excluding materials/equipment suppliers and CESAs/CCDEBS)

14 Employment Impact - Vendors Report FTEs directly funded by ARRA funds regardless of the amount paid to vendors. Gather the following information from vendors to report FTEs directly funded by ARRA:  Position title  Total number of hours per week in a full-time schedule  Actual number of hours worked during the report period that are funded using ARRA funds Exclude ARRA funded FTEs for material/equipment suppliers, CESAs, and CCDEBs from the report.

15 Employment Impact Use the FTE Calculator to determine the number of jobs to report. Use the FTE calculator for all ARRA Grant programs Enter the number of FTEs AND position titles into the survey.

16 FTE Calculator Instructions

17 FTE Calculator 12345

18 Current Reporting Period (FTE errors found pertaining to the current quarter & within four days of submission) Current Reporting Period (FTE errors found pertaining to the current quarter & within four days of submission) Past Reporting Periods ( If an FTE error is found for data occurring btw 2/17/09 & the end of the previous quarter) Past Reporting Periods ( If an FTE error is found for data occurring btw 2/17/09 & the end of the previous quarter) Email your DPI contact person the following:  The extent of the error or omission;  Accurate data reflecting the correction; and  Date for the correction. Identify the following and file in grant recipient records:  The extent of the FTE error or omission;  Accurate data reflecting the correction; and  Date for the correction. Reporting Errors/Omissions - FTEs

19 Title II D Formula Grants - Consortia Just a reminder: CESAs 4, 5, 6, 10, 12 are fiscal agents – CESAs will report FTEs and expenditures on behalf of their consortia These districts will not receive a survey. CESAs are responsible for reporting FTEs at CESA as well as in the districts.  Small amounts of money so probably not much impact  Make sure to watch for substitute teacher costs.

20 Title II D Competitive Grants If CESA is the fiscal agent for a Title IID Competitive Grant, CESA will receive two surveys. One as fiscal agent of the grant, and one for CESA jobs created. CESAs should report the number of FTEs on the CESA/CCDEB Employment Impact Survey. Questions: 

21 Helpful Reminders Districts do not report CESA or CCDEB jobs funded by any ARRA grant programs.  CESAs & CCDEBs will report their jobs directly to DPI. Use FTE calculator Only report FTE data for the current report period. Vendor contract data is a cumulative report for the entire ARRA project.


23 Technical Assistance DPI’s ARRA webpage  Program specific technical assistance  Frequently Asked Questions

24 Contact Information IDEA-Preschool and Flow-Through  Jack Marker: (608) 266-3928, Title II, Part D  Lisa Jo VonAllmen: 608-267-9222, Education for Homeless Children and Youth  Lara Kain: (608) 267-7338,  Rachael Bergstrom: (608) 266-2813,

25 Contact Information Title I, Part A Title I Supplemental 1003(a) Title I Neglected and Delinquent Schools of Recognition  Contact your Title I Consultant or  Rachael Bergstrom: (608) 266-2813,

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