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What does the future hold? Threat Horizon 2011 Adrian Davis 2009 Workshop on Cyber Security and Global Affairs August 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "What does the future hold? Threat Horizon 2011 Adrian Davis 2009 Workshop on Cyber Security and Global Affairs August 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does the future hold? Threat Horizon 2011 Adrian Davis 2009 Workshop on Cyber Security and Global Affairs August 2009

2 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 2 Agenda Introduction The challenge The process The threats in 2011 Beyond 2011 What do I do now?

3 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 3 The Information Security Forum And much more besides!

4 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 4 Our challenge.... How do we make sure we don’t cry wolf?

5 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 5 Is to predict the future… “Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible” Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society 1895 “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM 1943 “I have travelled the length and breadth of this country and talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that won't last out the year.” The editor in charge of business books for Prentice Hall 1957 “This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.” Western Union internal memo 1876 Increasingly, information technology is playing a pivotal role in all our lives, both at work and at home

6 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 6 What is the threat horizon? A report that... identifies new and changing threats that are likely to impact information security over the next 24 months is written for both information security and business audiences informs information security strategy.

7 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 7 Threat horizon methodology POLITICAL LEGAL ECONOMIC SOCIO-CULTURAL TECHNICAL Consider the world of the future and how this may give rise to information security threats

8 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 8 2 x Half day workshops Security professionals from across the globe World Congress Threat Horizon Dataset Regional meetings Sector Input Ongoing ISF research and analysis Specialist ISF Members Specialist ISF Members Specialist ISF Members ISF Analysis Threat Horizon 2011 The process… Expert Input World Economic Forum Menlo Park (PwC) Supranational bodies (OECD, WEF etc.) Futurologists

9 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 9 2006 predictions for 2008 2008 Instability EnergyTerrorism PoliticalLegal Discovery Compliance Record Mgt Economic Organised crime Extreme Weather E-economy Technical New products Digital convergence Device convergence Home vs. work Remote Working Gen Y Socio-cultural

10 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 10 2008 for 2010… What changed? 2010 Cyber- terrorism Lack of trust Terrorism PoliticalLegal Electronic evidence Intellectual property ID theft Economic Organised crime Complex ownership Emerging economies Technical Solar flares Process control Web 2.0 Demo- graphics Corporate loyalty Socio-cultural Terrorism and organised crime are the only two threats to stay on the list

11 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 11 What will world look like in 2011?

12 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 12 Information security threats for 2011…. Criminal attacks Weaknesses in infrastructure Tougher regulatory legislation Pressures on offshoring / outsourcing Eroding network boundaries Mobile malware Vulnerabilities of Web 2.0 Incidents of espionage Insecure coding and development practices Changing cultures

13 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 13 Criminal attacks Crimeware as a service Insider attacks Infiltration Tougher rules Emphasis on privacy Incompatible laws Increasing punishment Outsourcing / Offshoring More outsourcing Meeting compliance Instability of providers Weak infrastructure Reduced investment Complexity Zero-day attacks Eroding boundaries Cloud computing More connections Bypass of defences Top five threats in detail

14 Beyond 2011..

15 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 15 Beyond the horizon Quantum computing Nano technology New computing interfaces AI Everyone connected to everything Biometrics Embedded chips SPIT

16 www.securityforum.orgThreat Horizon 2011 Copyright © 2009 Information Security Forum Limited 16 What do I do now? Re-assess the risks to your organisation and its information Inside and outside… Change your thinking about threats Don’t rely on trends or historical data Revise your information security arrangements Question ‘security as usual’ Focus on the basics That includes people, not just technology! Prepare for the future Be ready to support initiatives such as cloud computing

17 Information Security Forum

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