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12 th June 2015. Prevention of injury Primary prevention Prevent injury event occurring Out of hospital First response by parents, carers and emergency.

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Presentation on theme: "12 th June 2015. Prevention of injury Primary prevention Prevent injury event occurring Out of hospital First response by parents, carers and emergency."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 th June 2015

2 Prevention of injury Primary prevention Prevent injury event occurring Out of hospital First response by parents, carers and emergency services Secondary prevention Minimise harm Hospital Emergency department, intensive & acute care Secondary and tertiary prevention Optimise outcomes following injury Community Community care, rehabilitation, & reablement Tertiary prevention Maximise recovery & minimise disability Head injuries CIPIC HIT Burns and scalds Fractures Major trauma

3 Burns and Scalds Amber Young (UHB) Head injuries Mark Lyttle (UHB) Fractures Fergal Monsell (UHB) Major Trauma Giles Haythornthwaite (UHB) Four clinical topics Cross cutting theme: Children,Young People and Parent involvement First response Sammer Tang (SWAST) Rehabilitation Louise Lloyd / Aimee White (UHB) Prevention Julie Mytton (UWE) Who is involved? Cross cutting theme: Children’s commissioning (Inge Shepherd)

4 Prevention Primary and secondary burn prevention studies Greater collaboration across Bristol (BCC & AvonSafe) Disseminating PHE reports Watershed showcase event September 2014

5 Burns and scalds Low friction sheets to improve graft healing after burns (NIHR RfPB) Children and families emotional journey after burns (Roald Dahl Marvellous Nurse Inventing Room) Patient Reported Outcome Measures for children affected by burns

6 Head injuries Preventing post -concussion syndrome through the ED (UHB RCF funding) Faculty of Paediatric Neuropsychology Annual Symposium (March 2015) Collaborations within and outside Bristol

7 Challenges Clinical workload Data Education and training Sustainable PPI

8 Want to know more? Sign up to our newsletter ( Showcase presentations on BHP webpages Save the date: Showcase 17 th March 2016

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