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Catalyst #14 Pg. 71- Take out Flashcards 1.Go to the class website Open and do the Catalyst: Anatomy: Lesson 79- Catalyst #14-3/20-3/21 AND ANATOMY: LESSON.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyst #14 Pg. 71- Take out Flashcards 1.Go to the class website Open and do the Catalyst: Anatomy: Lesson 79- Catalyst #14-3/20-3/21 AND ANATOMY: LESSON."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyst #14 Pg. 71- Take out Flashcards 1.Go to the class website Open and do the Catalyst: Anatomy: Lesson 79- Catalyst #14-3/20-3/21 AND ANATOMY: LESSON 79- Neuron Intro PPT-3/20- 3/21 Semester 2 Table of Contents 20. Lesson 77- Clinical Diseases Pg. 65- 68 21. Lesson 78- Clinical Disease (2) Pg. 69-70 22. Lesson 79- Neurons Intro Pg. 71- 74 Assigned Vocabulary- Due: Next Th/Fri ** Definition AND Picture** 27. Neuron 28.Axon 29.Dendrite 30.Myelin sheath 31.Nodes of Ranvier 32.Axon terminal 33.Axon hillock 34.Soma 35.Sensory neuron 36.Motor neuron 37.Interneuron

2 Announcements Flashcards Due: Next Th/Fri Dissection Date Change: 4/7-4/8 Unit Test: 4/10-4/11 Notebook Check: 4/11

3 Neurons SQ3R- Pg.74 Pg. 897-900 in bio book

4 Check It Out First bAX4 bAX4

5 Get Ready for Notes: Pg. 72-73 Title: Neuron Introduction

6 What is a Neuron? Type of nerve cell that makes up the nervous system Humans have about 100 billion neurons!

7 Function of Neurons To carry electrical messages/signals from the brain to the rest of the body and back to the brain

8 3 Types of Neurons 1.Sensory Neuron- Sends signals to the central nervous system (senses) 2.Motor Neuron- sends signals away from the central nervous system 3.Interneuron- connects the different parts of the central nervous system together om/watch?v=r5nMVAjz 0d0

9 Dendrite Takes information to the cell body. Receives signals from other neurons. dendrite

10 Soma (cell body) Part of the neuron that contains the nucleus. soma

11 Organelle in the neuron that contains genetic material (DNA). nucleus

12 Axon Hillock Located at the end of the cell body and controls the firing of the neuron (action potential). axon hillock

13 axon Axon Takes information or signals away from the cell body (ex. highway)

14 Myelin Sheath Fatty layer that surrounds some axons in order to conduct faster signals. Myelin sheath

15 Node of Ranvier Gap in myelin sheath involved in sending messages. Node of Ranvier

16 Axon Terminal Sends information to next step. Part of the neuron that releases neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. Axon terminal

17 Neurotransmitters Chemicals that move across a small gap called the synapse that communicate a message to another neuron

18 Quick Check: What type of neuron sends this signal? You will have 15 seconds to choose which neuron you think does that job. You are going to write the name of the neuron: motor, sensory, interneuron. When I say go, you will show me which neuron type you think does that function.

19 Question 1 The thalamus in the brain sends a signal to the occipital lobe in the brain. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

20 Question 2 The chemoreceptors in the tongue taste a sour candy on your tongue. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

21 Question 3 The brain stem sends a signal to the spinal cord. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

22 Question 4 The spinal cord relays a signal from the brain to the bicep to pick up a heavy bag. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

23 Question 5 The mechanoreceptor in the inner ear tells the brain you are listening to the new Drake song. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

24 Question 6 The pain receptor in your gluteus maximus tells the brain that you are very sore from running. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

25 Question 7 The hypothalamus in the brain sends a signal for your arms to sweat when it’s a really sunny day. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

26 Question 8 These neurons are broken after his broken back injury, and Christopher Reeves, Superman, must now remain in a wheelchair. 1.Motor Neuron 2.Sensory Neuron 3.Interneuron

27 How it all works: Reflex Arc- involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus

28 Whiteboard Expectations 1.Only write what is asked of you. 2.Try every question. 3.Take care of our materials.

29 Sample Question Draw a picture of Phineas Gage.

30 Whiteboards #1 #2 dendrite axon #3 nucleus

31 Whiteboard Draw a neuron and label the dendrites and axon terminal.

32 Whiteboard Imagine two neurons are sending a message to one another. The message is being sent from the (1) of the first neuron to the (2) of the second.

33 Whiteboards… Draw a neuron and label the ________________

34 Whiteboard Explain how a message is sent across a neuron. Include as many vocabulary words as possible.

35 Whiteboard Do all messages received by the dendrites get carried forward?

36 Whiteboard Why is a neuron so differently shaped than the “typical” eukaryotic cell you imagine? Hint: form follows function

37 Whiteboard What neuronal structure is really exaggerated in this cell?

38 How are you feeling about the parts of a neuron? 1 - 5

39 Practice Time- Pg.74

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