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What you will learn in this session 1.The nature of child abuse 2.Common terminology in child safeguarding, such as ‘looked after child’ 3.The signs of.

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Presentation on theme: "What you will learn in this session 1.The nature of child abuse 2.Common terminology in child safeguarding, such as ‘looked after child’ 3.The signs of."— Presentation transcript:


2 What you will learn in this session 1.The nature of child abuse 2.Common terminology in child safeguarding, such as ‘looked after child’ 3.The signs of child abuse 4.Local policies and procedures for safeguarding children 5.What to do if you suspect child abuse 6.What to do if you face barriers in escalating a case of suspected child abuse 7.The risks associated with the internet and online social networking

3 Child safeguarding  ‘The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.’ (Working together to safeguard children, 2010)

4 Some Common Terms Used in Safeguarding Children  ‘Child in Need’  Those whose vulnerability is such that they are unlikely to reach or maintain a satisfactory level of health or development, or their health and development will be significantly impaired, without the provision of services, including those who are disabled. (Safeguarding Children & Young People A Toolkit for General Practice 2011)  ‘Child at Risk’  A child who is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm where the local authority have a duty to make enquires. (Safeguarding Children & Young People A Toolkit for General Practice 2011)  ‘Looked After Child’  Generally used to mean those looked after by the state, according to relevant national legislation. This includes those children who are subject to a care order and can include children who are being looked after on a planned basis for short breaks or respite care. (NSPCC 2012)

5 Why is this important?  7% of children are physically abused by carers  11% of children are sexually abused by people known but unrelated to them  6% of children are seriously neglected at home  80 children a year are murdered in England & Wales  Babies are four times more likely to die a violent death than the average person  Over a quarter of recorded rapes are of children NSPCC, 2004

6 The nature of child abuse  A person may abuse or neglect a child by  Inflicting harm  Failing to prevent or protect the child from harm  The abuser may be an adult or adults…or another child or children  Children usually know their abuser(s)  Abuse can happen in the family, institutions or the community

7 Types of abuse  Physical  Emotional  Neglect  Sexual

8 Physical abuse  Causing physical harm to a child, including:  Hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, scalding, drowning and suffocating  Fabricating symptoms or deliberately inducing illness

9 There is a degree of emotional abuse in all abuse, although it may occur alone. Emotional abuse  Persistent emotional maltreatment  Making a child think that they are worthless  Preventing a child from expressing their views  Imposing inappropriate expectations  Children witnessing ill-treatment of another  Serious bullying  Causing children to feel constantly frightened  Exploitation or corruption of children

10 A persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs Neglect  Neglect may involve failing to:  Provide adequate food, clothing and shelter  Protect a child from harm  Ensure adequate supervision  Provide appropriate medical care  Respond to a child’s basic emotional needs

11 Sexual abuse  Forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not they are aware of what is happening  It includes:  Assault by penetration or non-penetrative acts  Non-contact activities such as looking at sexual images or watching sexual activities  Sexual exploitation  Encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways  Grooming a child in preparation for abuse

12 Risks from the internet and social networking  Commercial  Aggressive  Cyber-bullying  Sexual  Values-based  “30% of 7-12 year olds and 11% of 13-16 year olds say that no one has spoken to them about staying safe online.” (Ofcom, 2009)

13 Culture  Forced marriage  So-called honour-based violence  Female genital mutilation  Risk taking behaviour  Gang and gun culture  Religious activities

14 What to do if a child discloses abuse  Stay calm and be reassuring  Find a quiet place to talk  Listen, but don’t press for information  Reassure, but don’t make false promises  Do not destroy any evidence of abuse  Don’t promise to keep the information secret  Explain what you’ll do next  Report the incident

15 Signs and symptoms  Sudden changes in behaviour  Changes in school performance  Unexplained injuries or burns  Masking activity by parents/carers  Withdrawal  Unexplained fears  Aggression to self or others  Running away  Regressive behaviour  Depression/anxiety  Wetting, day and night  Need constant reassurance

16 What to do if you suspect child abuse  It is your duty to recognise and respond appropriately to concerns regarding abuse  Seek advice and support, refer to your local procedures  Take appropriate action by making a referral

17 What to record  Accurately detail what you saw and / or heard  Record details straight away  Times, dates, people  Report exact words used  Distinguish between fact and opinion  Date and sign the record  Follow local procedures for information sharing and records management

18 What happens after a referral?  You may be contacted for further information.  You should get feedback from your referral.  Don’t be afraid to challenge a lack of activity.  Inform your line manager.  Contact your local lead

19 Your responsibilities  Recognise child abuse  Respond appropriately  Understand the local policies and procedures in your organisation and ensure they are followed  Refer correctly and as appropriate  Know the contact details of your local lead and where to seek appropriate advice  Access child protection training relevant to your area/role

20 Developing further knowledge and skills  A competency framework has been recently published which sets out the expected knowledge and skills for all staff who might be involved in protecting children  The Intercollegiate Guidelines (ICG) for Safeguarding Children and Young People: roles and competences for healthcare staff 2010 The Intercollegiate Guidelines (ICG) for Safeguarding Children and Young People: roles and competences for healthcare staff 2010

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