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Violence/Abuse. Journal Should schools require students to wear a uniform? Why/why not? (Provide 2 reasons.) 3-4 sentences Class Expectations -Mature/Respectful.

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Presentation on theme: "Violence/Abuse. Journal Should schools require students to wear a uniform? Why/why not? (Provide 2 reasons.) 3-4 sentences Class Expectations -Mature/Respectful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Violence/Abuse

2 Journal Should schools require students to wear a uniform? Why/why not? (Provide 2 reasons.) 3-4 sentences Class Expectations -Mature/Respectful comments/questions.

3 Violent Crime 1 Physical Attack occurs every 28 seconds. 1 Armed Robbery occurs every 47 seconds. 1 rape against a woman occurs every 5 minutes. 1 murder occurs every 22 minutes. 1 adolescent suicide occurs every 6 hours. Pg. 52

4 Causes of Violence Anger -Ways to help control anger: *Count to 10 before you say or do anything. *Talk to someone you trust and respect. *Exercise to get rid of pent-up feelings. *Channel energy into worthwhile activity. *Find a non-violent way to deal with the situation. Prejudice Possession of Weapons Peer Pressure Alcohol and other Drugs Pg. 52

5 Stopping and Preventing Violence More police on the streets Stricter gun laws Improved lighting in parks and playgrounds Neighborhood watch programs Teen curfews Tougher punishments for violent crimes Pg. 53

6 Violence in Schools 1 in 4 students 1 in 4 teachers Say they have been victims of violence on or near school property Pg. 53

7 Journal Should schools require students to wear a uniform? Why/why not? (Provide 2 reasons.) 3-4 sentences Reasons Against: -Does not allow students to express individuality. Reasons For: -Discourages cliques. -Discourages theft. -Security -Decreases distractions in classroom. -Allows parents to afford school clothes.

8 Toward Safer Schools *Stricter Dress Codes *No expensive jewelry *Ban on cell phones *Random Locker Searches *Video Surveillance *Metal Detectors *Security Guards *Drug and Gun Sniffing Dogs *Peer mediation *Violence Prevention Education Pg. 53

9 Types of Abuse *Physical Abuse: Mistreatment that results in injury to the body. Can result in burns, bruises, broken bones, etc. Battery is the most common form of physical abuse. *Emotional Abuse The use of words and gestures to mistreat another person. Can also be withholding love and affection. Angry words, threats, constant teasing, or criticism are examples of emotional abuse. Pg. 54

10 *Sexual Abuse Any sexual contact forced upon a victim. The abuser is often someone the victim knows and trusts. *Neglect The failure to meet the basic physical and emotional needs of a person. Withholding food, clothing, housing, love, encouragement or affection. Pg. 54

11 Causes of Abuse The person was abused as a child. Alcohol or other drug abuse. Unemployment and Poverty Illness Divorce Feelings of worthlessness Emotional immaturity Lack of parenting skills Inability to deal with anger Lack of communication and coping skills Pg. 54

12 Signs of Abuse Frequent absences from school. Poor grades or lack of interest in school. Dirty or neglected appearance. Extreme shyness, sadness, or fear. Aggressive behavior toward others. Inability to communicate. Pg. 55

13 Where to Get Help Police Department Local hospital Crisis Hot Lines Family Violence Centers Family Counseling Programs Support or Self-help groups Home Health Visitors/Social Worker Pg. 55


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