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f an dom; - a relationship between people and cultural icons. - a construction of coherent identity K – P O P as a cultural practice HALLYU / K-POP South.

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Presentation on theme: "f an dom; - a relationship between people and cultural icons. - a construction of coherent identity K – P O P as a cultural practice HALLYU / K-POP South."— Presentation transcript:


2 f an dom; - a relationship between people and cultural icons. - a construction of coherent identity K – P O P as a cultural practice HALLYU / K-POP South Korean Cultural Exports. K-pop is South Korean Pop and celebration of modern Korean music. FANDOM AS CULTURAL PRACTICE “The most obvious audience” (Lewis, L.,1992). The ones who are obvious in adoration of a particular group or pop icon. FANDOM CASE STUDY: Cassiopeia

3 “ ” P r o d u c t i o n. Meanings behind the colour RED. Production of fandom name and identity How the production of Cassiopeia is maintained or reproduced (e.g. membership). Activities of the fandom in Asia D e s i g n Cassiopeia as a “Red Ocean” Cassiopeia 5-star constellation What is a “Cassiopeian”? Meaning of being part of this fandom – design concepts Concept: the first official fandom for “Gods of the East” (TVXQ).

4 representation consumptionregulation Signifiers and symbols that are to represent a fandom defers to keep unique to the identity that is wanted to be seen as or portrayed. Discussion: Cassiopeia and its representation in the media Cassiopeia in Guiness World Records: World’s largest official fanclub. Fan chants, concerts, light sticks, hoodies, banners, flash mobs etc Fan sites/ social media MeLiteHero, oneTVXQ etc. Examples that constraint fandom activities: Space: Cultural spaces have noise level expectations e.g. Library Time: other commitments Gender norms: male Cassiopeia, acceptable?

5 Cassiopeia fandom: Cassiopeia fan chant/sing: VIDEO

6 c h a l l e n g e sq u e s t i o n s Focus on Cassiopeia as a fandom leads to a vast number of articles from different sources. Lots of cross- referencing to be done. Major sites that collect data on Cassiopeia is in Korean. Some information restrained – e.g. you must be a member to access info. Consumption of fandom is quite massive. Would focusing on certain aspects lessen the quality? Cassiopeia consists of different ethnicities – how does cultural meanings defer in different cultures in terms of fandom? How much can regulation affect the fandom? the research plan & some further

7 The Economist, (2010). Hallyu yeah! Retrieved from Lucy (2011). TVXQ's official fanclub "Cassiopeia" opens online registration. Retrieved from eral/tvxqs-official-fanclub-cassiopeia-r2257 eral/tvxqs- Lewis, L. A., (1992). The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media. Retrieved from Harrington C.L. and Bielby, D.D. (2010). A life course perspective on fandom. Retrieved from content/13/5/429.full.pdf+html Thank you

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