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ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) JTC 1 SWG-A N 205 2006-09-18 Document Type:Presentation Title:IT Accessibility Standardization.

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1 ISO/IEC JTC 1 Special Working Group on Accessibility (SWG-A) JTC 1 SWG-A N 205 2006-09-18 Document Type:Presentation Title:IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan Status Report to the September 2006 SWG-A Meeting Source:Mr. Makoto Yoshida, Standardization Office of Information Technology, METI RequestedFor consideration at the September 2006 SWG-A Action:meeting. JTC 1 SWG on Accessibility Secretariat ITI/INCITS 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005

2 IT Accessibility Standardization in Japan Status Report YOSHIDA, Makoto Standardization Office of Information Technology, METI

3 IT accessibility JIS (Japanese Insdustrial Standards) JIS X8341-2 Information-processing Devices JIS X8341-3 Web Content JIS X8341-4 Telecommunications Devices JIS X8341-5 Office Equipment JIS Z8071 Guidelines for standards developers to address the needs of the elderly and disabled (ISO/IEC guide71) JIS X8341-1 Information Communications Equipment, Software and Services Part1: Common Guidelines Basic Guidelines Group Standards Product-specific Standards

4 ② Group Standards (Sectorial Guides) ③ Product-specific Standards JIS S 0011 Marking Tactile Dots on Consumer Products JIS S 0012 Usability of Consumer Products JIS S 0013 Auditory Signals on Consumer Products JIS S 0014 Auditory Signals on Consumer Products – Sound Pressure Levels of Signals for the Elderly and in Noisy Conditions JIS S 0021 Packaging and Receptacles JIS S 0022 Packaging and Receptacles Test Methods for Opening JIS S 0023 Guidelines for Designing Clothes in Consideration of the Elderly JIS S 0024 Housing Equipment ① Basic Standards (ISO Guide 71) JIS Z 8071 Guidelines for Standardization JIS S 0025 Packaging and Receptacles - Tactile Warning of Danger – Requirements JIS S 0031 Visual Signs and Displays – Specification of Age - related Relative Luminance and Its Use in Assessment of Light JIS S 0032 Visual Signs and Displays – Estimation of Minimum Legible Size for a Japanese Single Character JIS X 6310 Prepaid Cards – General Specifications JIS X8341-1 Information Communications Equipment, Software and Services Part1: Common Guidelines JIS X8341-2 Part2: Information-processing Devices JIS X8341-3 Part3: Web Content JIS X8341-4 Part4: Telecommunications Devices JIS X8341-5 Part5: Office Equipment Current status of accessibility-related JIS standardization in Japan

5 Effect of JIS  The Industrial Standardization Law encourages, but does not force, Japanese companies to observe accessibility standards in their procurement activities.  After establishment, normalization has progressed fast.

6 International Standardization in JAPAN  Japan proposed Common IT accessibility guidelines (ISO/DIS 9421-20)  Japan proposed telecommunications devices accessibility guideline to ITU-T  PT was organized at JSA (Japan Standards Association) and JBMIA (Japan Business Machine Industry Association) to propose PC accessibility standard and accessibility setting standard  PT was organized at JBMIA to propose office equipment accessibility standard  Active participation W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)  Feedback to improve JIS standards

7 Other Accessibility Standardization Activities  Standards of Auditory Signals for Consumer Products- Sound Pressure Levels of Signals for Elderly and Noisy Conditions is under research and being developed by AIST  Japan-Korea-China Accessibility Design Committee planned - the themes are Marking Tactile Dots on Consumer Products, packaging,etc  Accessible Design Forum planned- More than 20 organizations from such as users, manufacturers, and academia concerned with Accessibility Design

8 Contact Information YOSHIDA, Makoto Standardization Office of Information Technology, METI E-mail : Japanese Industrial Standardization Committee Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

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