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Preparations Update of The 6 th AMCDRR Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) Ministry of Interior, THAILAND Department of Disaster Prevention.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparations Update of The 6 th AMCDRR Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) Ministry of Interior, THAILAND Department of Disaster Prevention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparations Update of The 6 th AMCDRR Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) Ministry of Interior, THAILAND Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) Ministry of Interior, THAILAND 1 st Meeting of the Executive Committee and Donor Support Group for the 6 th AMCDRR 5-6 August 2013 at the Grand Sheraton Hotel, Sukhumvit, Bangkok

2 I. Expected Outcomes II. Theme and Sub-themes III. Structure of the conference IV. Timelines Preparations Update of The 6 th AMCDRR

3 I. Expected Outcomes  A Declaration on DRR 2014 – 2015  Formal inputs on the draft HFA2  Proposal for engaging with stakeholders for the 3WCDR  Compilation of sound practices in Asia on ‘HOW to do DRR’ The 6 th AMCDRR will be the last inter- governmental meeting in Asia, celebrating HFA1 and framing HFA2 for the region

4 II. Theme and Sub-themes Sub-theme 1:Enhance resilience at local levels  Unpack resilience - People: Inclusiveness, Social safety net, Ability to recover  Unpack resilience - Property: Physical resilience, Business continuity  Unpack resilience - Environment: Eco-system  Focus on communities, poor and vulnerable groups  Social service and protection  Local level capacity development  Risk transfer, insurance scheme  Education and public awareness “ Theme : Promoting investments for resilient nations and communities.. ”

5 II. Theme and Sub-themes Sub-theme 2: Increase public investments for disaster and climate risk management to protect development gains “ Theme : Promoting investments for resilient nations and communities.. ”  How to embed DRM in public planning and financing such as in land use, agriculture, tourism, health, education  Multi stakeholder and multi-hazard risk assessment  How Government can invest in DRM/resilience building beyond financing i.e. building capacity  Cost-benefits of investing in DRM  Address trans boundary risk-role of inter-governmental organizations  Role of science (emphasis on social science) and technology and channels to enable Government understanding of risk and decision making  Enhancing accountabilities

6 II. Theme and Sub-themes Sub-theme 3: Private sector role – Public & private partnerships for disaster risk reduction “ Theme : Promoting investments for resilient nations and communities.. ”  Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to encourage private sector to invest in disaster risk reduction and management  DRR footprint to encourage investment for DRR in community  How Government can better engage private sector to leverage investments  The role of private sector in safer investments  Promoting PPP at the community level

7 III. Structure of the conference The 6 th AMCDRR Preparatory Meeting Pre Conference Market Place Plenary Site Visit Film Festival HFA2 Stakeholder consultations ISDR Partners Meetings DRR Market Places Side events & Special Sessions Field & Cultural Visit DRR Film Festival High Level Round Table Technical Session HFA2 Informal Plenary

8 III. Structure of the conference Key elements of the Conference:  Preparatory Meeting: for each stakeholder group to discuss HFA2 and dialogues among stakeholder groups and countries i.e. through IGOs  HLRT: What do we aim to achieve? Who will be the Chair?  Technical Sessions: How do they feed to HLRT? Who will lead the session?  Special Sessions: What should be the topics of Special Sessions? What specific thematic concerns/challenges the stakeholder group wants to bring up?  HFA2 Informal Plenary: What issues should be raised?


10 IV. Timelines  Save the date/1 st Announcement (15 August 2013)  National Committee Meeting (Late August 2013)  2 nd IAP Meeting (Last week of October 2013)  The 6 th AMCDRR Web Launch (December 2013)  Final Invitation Letter (January 2014)  3 rd IAP Meeting (March 2014) Key Milestones

11 IV. Timeline Work Streams 20132014 Apr MayJune Jul AugSeptOct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June 1.Theme/Sub-themes - Consultation - Finalization 2. Executive Committee/DSG - Establishment 3. Concept Note - Share draft concept note - Consultation - Circulate final concept note 1 st IAP 2 nd IAP 3 rd IAP

12 Work Streams 20132014 Apri l MayJune Jul y AugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMar Apri l MayJune 4. Agenda - Appoint technical session leads - TOR for Background studies - Conduct studies - Seek feedback on draft studies - Finalize Background studies - Appoint HLRT chairs - Call for Side & Pre- conference Events - Confirmed Side & Pre- conference Events - Consult draft agenda - Finalize agenda IV. Timeline 1 st IAP 2 nd IAP 3 rd IAP

13 Work Streams 20132014 AprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprilMayJune 5. Invitation & Registration - Develop and launch Conf Website - Open Registration - Save the date&1 st announcement - Develop & Finalize Admin Note - 2 nd invitation with Admin Note & tentative program - Final invitation with annotated agenda IV. Timeline 1 st IAP 2 nd IAP 3 rd IAP

14 Work Streams 20132014 AprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFebMarAprilMayJune 6. Outcome Documents - Appoint drafting team - Start drafting Bangkok Declaration - Share and seek feedbacks on the draft Bangkok Declaration - Present the 2 nd draft Bangkok Declaration - Share 2 nd draft Declaration - Engage stakeholder groups to develop their commitment statements 1 st IAP 2 nd IAP 3 rd IAP IV. Timeline

15 Thank you Questions???

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