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Monarch Butterflies Lesson 3. Radar Picture from September 22, 2014 Radar Video.

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Presentation on theme: "Monarch Butterflies Lesson 3. Radar Picture from September 22, 2014 Radar Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monarch Butterflies Lesson 3

2 Radar Picture from September 22, 2014 Radar Video

3 Map of Western United States Natural Bridges State Park Rocky Mountains

4 Updrafts help Butterflies and Hot Air Balloons “Switzerland Team @ Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta” by Kevin PohSwitzerland Team @ Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon FiestaKevin Poh CC BY 2.0

5 Monarch Families Monarchs in Winter in California Migrate back to the warm climate to lay eggs on milkweed plants. Children Grandchildren Great grandchildren Great, great, grandchildren Lifecycle repeats many times during warm months. These butterflies are born when it is getting cold, so they need to fly back to California and rest.

6 California State Parks where Monarchs Overwinter

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