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Southern Natural Gas Company 2015 Outage Review Meeting Customer con call and Webex June 17, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Natural Gas Company 2015 Outage Review Meeting Customer con call and Webex June 17, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Southern Natural Gas Company 2015 Outage Review Meeting Customer con call and Webex June 17, 2015 1

2 Welcome 2

3 Agenda Review Unscheduled Outages Review of Upcoming Outages – June/July & August North System South System South Louisiana – Outages for the remainder of 2015 North System South System South Louisiana -- Outages for South System 2016 Contacts 3

4 Disclaimers Anticipated Impacts are estimates. Actual nominations, market demand, weather and pipeline conditions, etc. will determine if, and through what level, restrictions become necessary. Unless otherwise stated, all scheduled dates represent gas days as defined in the Southern Natural Gas Pipeline tariff to mean a period of twenty-four consecutive hours, beginning and ending at 9:00 a.m. (Central Clock Time). Scheduled dates are subject to change. Projects may be added, altered, delayed or cancelled. SNG will provide notice of such additions or changes via SoNet Premier postings. Dates as posted on SoNet should be deemed correct in the event of conflicts between SoNet posted dates and dates within this presentation. 4

5 Color Key for Maps Green – No Impact Anticipated Yellow – Restrictions are possible – With extended duration, restrictions could be necessary from time to time – Meter(s) affected are noted with (M) Red – Restrictions are probable 5

6 Southern Natural Gas Pipeline LA MS AL GA FL Enterprise White Castle Bear Creek Muldon Chattanooga Atlanta Thomaston Albany Elba SC Aiken Elba Express North System South Louisiana South System 6 Compressor Station Storage Field LNG Compressor Station Storage Field LNG Pearl River Franklinton Gwinville Logansport Bienville Onward Pickens Rankin Toca Shady Side Louisville Bay Springs York Gallion Selma Elmore Auburn Holy Trinity Pavo Reform McConnells Providence Tarrant Pell City DeArmanville Bell Mills Rome Ellerslie Ocmulgee Hall Gate Wrens Hartwell Riceboro Brookman

7 Southern Natural Gas Pipeline Unscheduled Outage Update LA MS AL GA FL Enterprise White Castle Bear Creek Muldon Chattanooga Atlanta Thomaston Albany Elba SC Aiken Elba Express North System South Louisiana South System 7 Compressor Station Storage Field LNG Compressor Station Storage Field LNG Pearl River Franklinton Gwinville Logansport Bienville Onward Pickens Rankin Toca Shady Side Louisville Bay Springs York Gallion Selma Elmore Auburn Holy Trinity Pavo Reform McConnells Providence Tarrant Pell City DeArmanville Bell Mills Rome Ellerslie Ocmulgee Hall Gate Wrens Hartwell Riceboro Brookman Unplanned remediation on NMLL return to service week of 6-22-15 Impact of 255 MMcf/d of 550 MMcf/d White Castle unit outage return to service 9-30-15 Impact of 85 MMcf/d of 805 MMcf/d

8 SNG North System Maintenance Review June/July/August LA MS AL GA Logansport Bienville Bear Creek Storage Onward Pickens Rankin Louisville Muldon Storage Reform McConnells Providence Tarrant Pell City DeArmanville Bell Mills Rome Compressor Station Storage Field Compressor Station Storage Field Huntsville Chattanooga Atlanta 8 Southern will be conducting other general maintenance during this period AL Remediation on 24” NMLL to 6-24-15 Pipeline remediation on NMLL 7-6-15 to 7-9-15-15 Remediation on NML 6-25- 15 to 7-13-15 140 MMcf/d impact of 350 MMcf/d available Remediation on 14” Logansport line July Maintenance on NML 6-22-15 to 6-26-15 65 MMcf/d impact of 550 MMcf/d available Remediation on 2ndNML Louisville to Reform 5-4-15 to 7-3-15 350 MMcf/d of 690 MMcf/d Relocation of NMLL 7-13-15 to 7-17-15 Remediation of NMLL 8-17-15 to 8-27-15

9 SNG South System M aint. Review June/July/August MS AL GA Enterprise Gwinville Selma Auburn Ellerslie Thomaston Ocmulgee Hallgate Wrens Elmore York Gallion Bay Springs Compressor Station Storage Field LNG Compressor Station Storage Field LNG Atlanta Elba Hartwell Elba Express Aiken Holy Trinity Albany Pavo 9 Brookman Riceboro Southern will be conducting other general maintenance during this period Hydro-test Huber #1 line 7-13-15 to 7-31-15 Reference items #23 & #28 for new dates for previous scheduled Thomaston compressor station work

10 SNG South Louisiana System Maintenance Review June/July/August Shadyside White Castle Franklinton Toca Gwinville LA MS Compressor Station Storage Field Compressor Station Storage Field West Leg East Leg 10 Pearl River Southern will be conducting other general maintenance during this period Remediation on Duck Lake to Franklinton line June thru September 40 MMcf/d impact of 805 MMcf/d available

11 North System remainder of the year Item #13-Southern will be conducting a pipeline relocation of the 6” Rome Calhoun line in the September/October timeframe. We do not anticipate an impact to customers. Item # 14-Southern will be conducting planned maintenance at the Bell Mills compressor station in Cleburne County, Alabama for two(2) days in the September/October timeframe. Bell Mills compressor station is located on Southern’s North Mainline system. The maintenance will require a station outage, and will result in lower than normal pressure at delivery points east and north of the station on Southern’s Chattanooga lines. Capacity will be restricted to 90 MMcf/d of the 250 MMcf/d available. IT and secondary firm will be impacted and firm services could be impacted depending on requirements north of the station. However, Southern will try to minimize the impact by scheduling this during a low load period. Item # 15-Southern will be conducting a hydro-test on our 2 ND North Main line east of our McConnells compressor station during the September/October time frame. Capacity could be reduced as much as 285 MMcf/d of the 590 MMcf/d available. IT and secondary firm could be impacted depending on demand requirements. Item # 16-Southern will be conducting remediation on our 2 nd North Main line west of our Tarrant compressor station during the September/October time frame. Capacity could be reduced as much as 355 MMcf/d of the 550 MMcf/d available. IT and secondary firm could be impacted depending on demand requirements. We will coordinate this work with the hydro test east of our McConnells compressor station item #15. Item # 17-Southern will be conducting remediation on our 2 nd North Main line east of our Tarrant compressor station October 5th through October 30th. Capacity could be reduced as much as 245 MMcf/d of the 550 MMcf/d available. IT and secondary firm could be impacted depending on demand requirements. 11

12 North System remainder of the year cont. Item #18-Southern will be performing maintenance on a dehydration unit at the Bear Creek storage facility September 3 rd to October 29 th. During this time period, withdrawal on SNG will be limited to 300 MMcf/d of the 450 MMcf/d available. This will not affect injection at the facility. Item # 19-Southern will be conducting maintenance pigging on our Marietta Branch line east of our Bell Mills compressor station in northwest Georgia November 4th. Customers may experience lower than normal pressures during the pigging. Item # 20-Southern will be conducting a relocation of our 12” Chattanooga Branch line in Catoosa County Georgia sometime during the last half of the year. We do not anticipate an impact to customers. Item # 21-Fall Storage Field Shut-in tests - The Muldon Storage Field shut-in test will begin on Tuesday, October 6th and continue through Monday, October 12th. The Bear Creek Storage Field shut-in test will begin on Tuesday, October 20th and continue through Monday, October 26th. As a result of the shut-in test, Southern will reduce each CSS customer's DIQ and DWQ on a pro-rata basis. Each CSS customer will be allocated thirty- six percent (36%) of its currently effective DIQ and DWQ posted on SoNet Premier during the Muldon shut-in test and sixty-four percent (64%) during the Bear Creek shut-in test. This reduced level is subject to change, if necessary, during the test. Please be aware that this temporary reduction in DIQ and DWQ will affect not only CSS service, but also will affect related injection/withdrawal capacity under no-notice firm transportation (FT-NN) service 12

13 South System remainder of the year Item # 22-Southern will be conducting maintenance pigging on 30” Riverdale line north of our Thomaston compressor station in Georgia sometime during the month of September. Customers may experience lower than normal pressure during the pigging. Item # 23-Southern will be replacing control panels on 2 units, one unit at a time, at the Thomaston compressor station in central Georgia in the September/October timeframe instead of July as last posted. Capacity through Thomaston could be reduced as much as 220 MMcf/d of the 1.6 BCF/d available. IT and secondary firm could be impacted. Item # 24-Southern will be conducting remediation on our Brunswick line south of our Ocmulgee compressor station in Georgia in the September/October timeframe. We do not anticipate an impact to customers. Item # 25-Southern will be conducting upgrade work at the Brookman compressor station in southeastern Georgia during October 12 th through October 31 st. We do not anticipate an impact to customers. Item # 26-Southern will be conducting upgrade work at the Riceboro compressor station in southeastern Georgia November 30 th through December 31 st. We do not anticipate an impact to customers. 13

14 South Louisiana System remainder of the year Item # 27-Maintenance at White Castle and Shadyside compressor stations. West Leg capacity impact up to 150 MMcf/d of 805 MMcf/d available in the September/October timeframe 14

15 South System for 2016 Item # 28-NOTE: Southern has delayed upgrade work previously planned for August – October 2015 at the Thomaston compressor station in central Georgia to the mid- March through May 2016 timeframe. Capacity through Thomaston will be reduced as much as 330 MMcf/d of the 1.6 BCF/d available. IT and secondary firm are likely to be impacted, and firm services could be impacted depending on firm requirements east and north of the station on a daily and/or hourly basis. 15

16 Gas Control Contacts Adam Krustchinsky – Manager (713) – 420 – 3265 (office) (713) – 202-7035 (cell) Kalman (Kal) Dankovich – Outage Coordinator (713) – 420 – 7522 (office) (713) – 420 – 7305 (Gas Control) Jimmy Reese – Lead Controller (713) – 420 – 7310 (office) (713) – 420 – 7305 (Gas Control) Daniel Mitchell – Lead Controller (713) – 420 – 5874 (office) (713) – 420 – 7305 (Gas Control) 16

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