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Jim Pike Life long tobacco user Here is the story of my amazing brother in law…

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Presentation on theme: "Jim Pike Life long tobacco user Here is the story of my amazing brother in law…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jim Pike Life long tobacco user Here is the story of my amazing brother in law…

2 About Jim Jim is an educated 45 year old man with two daughters and two granddaughters under one He is amazing, funny, nice looking, loves being a father and uncle, great outdoorsman He is a person who people gravitate to because he is so caring and funny!! He is a master electrician and works with clients on planning electrical projects for buildings


4 This was at his daughter’s wedding one year and 8 months before My kids love Uncle Jim!!!!

5 This was November 10, 2008 He thought it was an ingrown hair…

6 What it really was… The red chin was caused by the cancer from the bone in his jaw that was seeping out into his skin. What happened next was fast and furious, He was diagnosed with bone cancer in his face, he was told it is DIRECTLY related to dipping and chewing…no other reason he would have gotten this kind of cancer. The next pictures are of his surgery -

7 This is in ICU November 22, 2008

8 The cuts along his jaw were done to remove all lymph nodes in his neck

9 All teeth, bone, skin and tissue was removed from the patch area and replaced with new bone, skin and tissue from his calf

10 They had to remove bone, muscle and skin from his calf to do the transplant to his chin This is where the doctors removed the transplant

11 They had to do skin grafts from his thigh to replace the skin, muscle and bone they removed from his calf This is where doctors took the top layers of skin

12 November 28, 2008 When he talks he drools, but does not realize he is because he has no feeling or control of the bottom part of his face

13 He has no teeth, he ate out of a bag for several weeks, now must put all food in a blender until he gets new teeth

14 December 7, 2008 3 ½ weeks post-op

15 Jim’s new face

16 What is to come for Jim: Jim will have several more surgeries, the doctors still need to rebuild his gums so that he can have new teeth and be able to speak clearly He will need some more plastic surgery on the exterior work done to his face He walks with a limp from the bone they removed from his leg, but that will go away with time and therapy He will always be my same brother on the inside, but he will never be the same on the outside.

17 2 months Post-Op With his 10 day old grand daughter.

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