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BLOOD Functions of Blood Transportation – oxygen and carbon dioxide – nutrients, hormones, metabolic wastes – heat Regulation – pH through buffer systems.

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3 Functions of Blood Transportation – oxygen and carbon dioxide – nutrients, hormones, metabolic wastes – heat Regulation – pH through buffer systems – body temperature – osmotic pressure within cells Protection – clot blood – Fight disease

4 Components of Blood Plasma = straw colored liquid portion – Water = 92% – Solutes – electrolytes, hormones, gases, etc. = 8% Formed Elements = Blood Cells – Erythrocytes – Leukocytes – Thrombocytes

5 Plasma and Serum Plasmapheresis: separates plasma from blood cells Plasmapheresis: separates plasma from blood cells Serum --when blood clotting factors are removed Serum --when blood clotting factors are removed

6 Hematopoiesis Production of blood cells occurs in red bone marrow From stem cells called Hemocytoblasts Erythropoietin produced in the kidneys starts new RBCs (see pg 372)

7 Erythrocytes (RBC’s) Carry Hemoglobin -- gives whole blood it’s red color Carry Hemoglobin -- gives whole blood it’s red color Have no nucleus Have no nucleus Live about 120 days Live about 120 days

8 Hemoglobin Heme = iron – contains 4 per globin –gives blood it’s color Globin = protein ( carries some CO 2 )

9 Leukocytes (WBC’s) main function protection from foreign particles main function protection from foreign particles Two Main Types: Two Main Types: Granulocytes Granulocytes Agranulocytes Agranulocytes

10 Granulocytes Neutrophils – Phagocytes – most numerous Eosinophils – Removes allergens, reduces inflammation, increase with virus Basophils – promotes inflammation by secreting histamines – Heparin to prevent blood clotting

11 Agranulocytes Lymphocytes – produce antibodies T and B cells) Monocytes – become Macrophages – Large “large eaters”

12 Thrombocytes (Platelets) Clot blood (hemostasis) and repair damaged blood vessels Clot blood (hemostasis) and repair damaged blood vessels life span of about 5 to 9 days life span of about 5 to 9 days

13 Hemostasis mechanism by which bleeding is stopped Three Basic Mechanisms – Vascular Spasms – Platelet Plug Formation – Coagulation (Clotting)

14 Vascular Spasm contraction of the smooth muscles in the vascular walls of a damaged blood vessel reflexes from pain receptors

15 Platelet Plug Formation Platelet Adhesion = platelets contact and stick to walls of damaged vessels Platelet Release Reaction = platelets extend projections and release content of their granules Platelet Aggregation = platelets gather in area of wound or injury forms a Platelet Plug to stop bleeding

16 Coagulation (Clotting) Several steps needed for process to work Intrinsic (within blood) Extrinsic (within tissues) forms a Clot = a network of fibrinogen(protein fibers) changes to fibrin

17 Coagulation Fibrinogen changed to fibrin

18 Thrombus and Embolus Thrombus: stationary clot Embolus: traveling clot – effects 4 organs – heart, lungs, brain and kidneys Clot may be blood, gas, fat, wastes, etc.

19 ABO Blood Typing each parent contributes antigens (agglutinogens), or lack of antigens to their offspring O + O = O blood type A + O and A + A = A blood type B + O and B + B = B blood type A + B = AB blood type

20 Rh Factor Rh Factor Presence or absence of Protein D on erythrocyte May effect – mother’s 2 nd pregnancy May cause Hemolytic disease of the newborn.




24 bicuspid


26 bicuspid

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