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Fig. 39.4, p. 669 capillary beds of gills heart rest of body right atrium left atrium heart rest of body lungs right atrium left atrium right ventricleleft.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 39.4, p. 669 capillary beds of gills heart rest of body right atrium left atrium heart rest of body lungs right atrium left atrium right ventricleleft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 39.4, p. 669 capillary beds of gills heart rest of body right atrium left atrium heart rest of body lungs right atrium left atrium right ventricleleft ventricle

2 Name Parts and Oxygen-rich or Oxygen-poor

3 I. Parts of Heart Know: A/V, tricuspid valve, bicuspid valve, pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins, aorta, sinoatrial node (pacemaker), pericardium, inferior/superior vena cava. Know: Oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor.

4 Fig. 39.15, p. 677 SA node, the cardiac pacemaker AV node AV bundle the electrical bridge between the atria and ventricles (branchings of cardiac conducting cells that do not serve in heart contraction)

5 II. Types of Muscle A.Smooth: Organs, vessels; involuntary. B.Striated/Skeletal: Voluntary and tires. C.Cardiac: Striated in appearance; involuntary.

6 III. Blood Flow in Human Body A.Artery: Thick diameter, wrapped in smooth muscle, no valves, leave heart. B.Vein: Thinner than artery, wrapped in smooth muscle, valves, return blood to heart. C.Capillary: Thin diameter, thin membrane, function as for gas exchange.

7 Fig. 39.16, p. 678 outer coat smooth muscle basement membrane endothelium elastic tissue outer coat smooth muscle rings over elastic tissue basement membrane endothelium basement membrane endothelium outer coat smooth muscle, elastic fibers basement membrane endothelium valve ARTERY ARTERIOLE CAPILLARY VEIN

8 Fig. 39.20, p. 681 to the heart valve open valve closed prevents backflow valve closed valve closed

9 III. Blood Flow (con’t) D. Blood Pressure Systolic: When ventricle is contracting; Maximum pressure. Diastolic: When ventricle is relaxed and refilling; Minimum pressure. Average Healthy: 120/80

10 Fig. 39.13, p. 677 a–Diastole (mid-to-late). Ventricles fill, atria contract. c–Diastole (early). Both chambers relaxed. b–Ventricular systole (atria are still in diastole). Ventricles eject.

11 Fig. 39.17, p. 678

12 IV.Characteristics of Blood A.Four Components: 1. Plasma (liquid) 2. Red Blood Cells/Erythrocytes (carry oxygen) *Contain hemoglobin (protein with iron) *Made in marrow *No nucleus

13 IV.Characteristics of Blood (con’t) 3. White Blood Cells (immune system) *Made in bone marrow 4. Platlets (blood clotting)

14 IV.Characteristics of Blood (con’t) B. Blood pH 1. Blood is usually at pH 7.4. At 7.2, hemoglobin unloads oxygen to cells. Why? 2. CO 2 + H 2 O  Carbonic Acid 3. Stable blood pH accomplished by buffers (resist pH changes).

15 IV.Characteristics of Blood (con’t) C. Blood Typing: Outer coat of RBC has antigens Our immune system learns to make antibodies (Y-shaped proteins) Know AB+/- blood problems

16 Blood Type Antigens (on RBC) Antibodies (in plasma) Receive From… Donate to… A- A+ B- B+ AB- AB+ O- O+

17 Genotype of Blood Types A - I A I A or I A i B - I B I B or I B i AB – I A I B 0 – ii Rh + - RR or Rr Rh - - rr

18 A- is crossed with AB+ Their children can have which blood types?

19 Fig. 39.19b, p. 681 blood to venue inward-directed osmotic movement cells of tissue outward-directed bulk flow blood from arteriole Ultrafiltration versus Reabsorption

20 V. Lymph System A.System of tubes that collect fluid from interstitial tissue. B.Collect in lymph nodes (loaded with lymphocytes. C.Also contains spleen (disposes of blood cells).

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