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Requirements for Technical Support in the Adoption of Augmentation Biological Control in the Adoption of Augmentation Biological Control Norm Leppla, Howard.

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Presentation on theme: "Requirements for Technical Support in the Adoption of Augmentation Biological Control in the Adoption of Augmentation Biological Control Norm Leppla, Howard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Requirements for Technical Support in the Adoption of Augmentation Biological Control in the Adoption of Augmentation Biological Control Norm Leppla, Howard Frank & Al Clarke & Al Clarke University of Florida,IFAS & Becker Underwood

2 Alien Invasive Mole Crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae) Shortwinged mole cricket, Scapteriscus abbreviatus Southern mole cricket Scapteriscus borellii Tawny mole cricket Scapteriscus vicinus

3 Seasonal Distribution of Mole Cricket Stages

4  Mole cricket damage and chemical control cost ~ $100 million annually in the Southeastern U.S.  Chemicals are too expensive for use on pasture land.  Mole crickets rebound in most treated areas.  Concern about non-target effects of chemicals. Chemical Control

5 Need and Market for Mole Cricket Nematodes in Florida Large Ranches- There are about 1200 ranches >500 acres totaling 4.6 million acres of pasture or rangeland in Florida. According to the ranchers, about 600,000 acres are infested by mole crickets. Small Ranches- About 28,000 ranches are <180 acres, most have 10-50 acres. At least 10% of these ranches are infested. Sports Turf- There are about 15,000 acres of athletic fields and 50,000 acres of golf courses in Florida. Residential- There are about 3 million acres of residential turf. At least 10% are bahiagrass and some bermudagrass. (primary grasses infested by mole crickets)

6 The most significant untapped market is pasture. I continually get calls in the spring and fall from ranchers desperate to find a way to control mole crickets. There are no effective chemical treatments labeled for pasture use. Even with a good chemical alternative, ranchers would find them cost prohibitive and only a short-term solution. Al Clarke (Becker Underwood): Need and Market for Mole Cricket Nematodes in Florida

7 In vitro Nematode Production Steinernema scapterisci

8 Pasture and Sod Farms Helena Chemical Helena Chemical ProSource One ProSource One Diamond R Fertilizer Diamond R Fertilizer Griffin Fertilizer Griffin Fertilizer Triangle Chemical Triangle Chemical Growers Fertilizer Growers Fertilizer Crop Production Services Crop Production Services Suppliers of Nematac S

9 Mole Cricket Wasp Larraflower, Spermacoce verticillata (Rubiaceae) Turf-Tec International, Tallahassee, FL Larra bicolor (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) Crabronidae) Howard Frank


11 Biological Control of Mole Crickets in Florida by the Nematode Mean Number of Large Mole Crickets Trapped

12 Mole Cricket Nematode in Florida  6 months- 80% mole crickets infected  1 year- infected mole crickets spread nematodes across the pasture  3 years- 85% decline in mole crickets 85% decline in mole crickets 40-95% recovery of bahiagrass 40-95% recovery of bahiagrass 20-35% infected mole crickets 20-35% infected mole crickets

13 Pasture condition in 2002 3 yr after nematode application ~ 95% grass canopy ground cover

14 In 2002, virtually every sale of Nematac S required a personal call by a Becker Underwood representative and we were unable to create momentum at the distributor or end user level to achieve continued growth. Mole Cricket Biological Control Al Clarke (Becker Underwood): Al Clarke

15 Preferred Information Channels of Small Farm Operators in Florida Personal Contact

16 Distance Small Farm Operators Travel to Extension Events

17 Acres Treated Mole Cricket Nematode Sales 2002-2010

18 When I suggest Nematac S and discuss proper application, we usually come to an impasse because application equipment is simply not available. At one time, there was a professional applicator in Central Florida but he charged $25 - $35/acre. That cost plus the $25/acre cost for Nematac S drives almost all ranchers away. Mole Cricket Biological Control Al Clarke (Becker Underwood):

19 Mole Cricket Survey- 2008 1. Do you ever have mole cricket problems in your pastures? 79% 2. Would you pay $25/acre for long-term control with nematodes? 45% 3. Would you borrow free application equipment if it were available? 79% 4. Would you plant free vegetation to attract Larra wasps? 100% 5. Would you allow your pasture to be used for training? 94% 6. Would you participate in training in biological control? 89%

20 SituationAction There is a need and markets for mole cricket nematodes. Becker Underwood can supply the nematodes. Cattlemen are willing to pay a maximum of $25/acre for nematodes. Conducted research to apply nematodes in 1/8-acre strips. Nematode application equipment is not available for non-irrigated pastures. Obtained grants to construct nematode application equipment. Cattlemen also would like to use the wasp. Turf-Tec International can supply Larraflower Extension support is needed to manage application equipment. Provide an instruction manual and equipment loan system. Extension support is needed to provide education and training for cattlemen. Provide instructions for natural enemies and field demonstrations. Restoration of Mole Cricket Biological Control

21 Nematode Application Equipment

22 COUNTY AGENTCOUNTY Cindy SandersAlachua Tim WilsonBradford Joe WalterBrevard Lindsey WigginsCharlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, Lee Ed JenningsCitrus, Hernando, Pasco, Sumter David NistlerClay Derek BarberColumbia Brad BurbaughDuval Allison MehargEscambia Mark WarrenFlagler, Putnam, St. Johns Randy GorntoHighlands Doug MayoJackson Jed DillardJefferson Christa KirbyManatee Mark ShuffittMarion Steve GaulNassau Pat HogueOkeechobee, Osceola Bridget CarlislePolk Reyna SpeckmannRange Cattle REC, Ona John AtkinsSanta Rosa Elena ToroSuwannee Sharon GambleVolusia Florida Livestock Extension Agents

23 Mole Cricket Nematode Field Demonstrations Field Demonstrations

24 Mole Cricket Nematode Sales 2002-2011


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