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Innovation... Discovery... Education… Achievement Industry Outreach Initiative Proposed Game Plan IEEE CPMT Society Board of Governors Meeting New Orleans,

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation... Discovery... Education… Achievement Industry Outreach Initiative Proposed Game Plan IEEE CPMT Society Board of Governors Meeting New Orleans,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation... Discovery... Education… Achievement Industry Outreach Initiative Proposed Game Plan IEEE CPMT Society Board of Governors Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 31 May 2003 Potomac Communications Group, Inc

2 Industry Outreach Strategy - 1 Extract “lessons” from IEEE and other industry relations programs Target External Manufacturing Suppliers first – build key prospects list Target Chief Technology Officers as primary point of entry Develop and test generic messages that answer “what’s in it for my company … why should we care” – then customize company- specific sales points

3 Industry Outreach Strategy - 2 Use existing relationships to build industry network of CTO and other exec contacts Invite Industry to discuss and define their needs and interests – take our case to them … don’t expect them to come to us Create an ongoing role for key Industry execs – sustained involvement, not a one-shot transaction De-bug strategy using pilot program approach (e.g., 6 companies in 2003)

4 Approaches Others Are Taking re: Industry Relations IEEE model in place - 2003 IEEE in Norway –Communicating through chapter and section leaders IMAPS –Corporate memberships ASME –Industry Advisory Board

5 Barriers to Address Industry Value Proposition Lack of awareness – and involvement – at executive level (e.g., CTO) Benefits of membership not self- evident … not a priority Competitive pressures – on time, on budgets Perception that participation is not essential (“what’s in it for me?”) Shortcomings in data gathering – no clear picture of corporate affiliations of CPMT dues-paying members Technical competence-building Visibility to customers and prospects Understanding of competition Work with standards bodies Reputation enhancement

6 Desired Outcomes of Industry Outreach Ongoing involvement from industry leaders Participation in technical issues of the Society Support employees’ involvement in Society functions

7 Approach 1. Initial Fact-Finding What events do you go to? What do you read? What organizations do you belong to? Would they be willing to serve on an industry relations board? (reason for meeting) –Form an advisory board to address their needs –Mine hot issues for future industry roundtables 2. Begin Relationship-Building Coordinate industry roundtables at our events –Let them talk to us, not vice versa –Invite CTOs –Additional media “bounce” for the CPMT Society Translate information to articles –Place in trades and business press

8 Approach 3. Raise CPMT’s Profile at Multiple Levels of Target Companies Develop generic article template about CPMT Society products and services Place in the in-house publications of our target companies 4. Meet on Their Turf Get CPMT leaders on industry programs to discuss trends and technical matters –Try two meetings to gauge value –Follow up with Industry attendees Take out “ad” in industry conference programs and proceedings

9 Conduct Pilot Program in 2003 Choose 6 companies (2 packaging … 4 systems) Create fact sheet – most persuasive “case” for Industry involvement (ROI, etc.) Test tools and messages Evaluate results Make corrections Expand program in 2004

10 Innovation... Discovery... Education… Achievement Industry Outreach Initiative Proposed Game Plan IEEE CPMT Society Board of Governors Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 31 May 2003 Potomac Communications Group, Inc

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