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Liquid thaw Liquid thaw. Purpose The reason we are doing this project is to see which liquid will thaw the fastest. Hypothesis We think that the soda.

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Presentation on theme: "Liquid thaw Liquid thaw. Purpose The reason we are doing this project is to see which liquid will thaw the fastest. Hypothesis We think that the soda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liquid thaw Liquid thaw

2 Purpose The reason we are doing this project is to see which liquid will thaw the fastest. Hypothesis We think that the soda will thaw out the fastest because it doesn’t take long to freeze, so it will thaw fast.

3 The Materials 18 oz. of water 18 oz. of mountain dew 18 oz. of milk 1 tray 9 cups 1 table 1 piece of paper 1 pencil a freezer 18 oz. Measuring cup

4 The Procedures 1.Set out 9 12 oz. cups. 2.Bring in liquid. (Water, Milk, Mountain Dew) 3.Count out 3 cups and measure 6 oz. 4.Put 6 oz. of mountain dew in 1 cup. 5.Repeat step 4 two more times. 6.Measure out 6 oz. of water in 1 cup. 7.Repeat step 6 two more times. 8.Put 6 oz. of milk in one cup. 9.Repeat step 8 two more times. 10.Let it freeze over the weekend. 11.Get it out on Monday

5 The Procedures 12.Put it on a counter. 13.Check every 30 minutes 14.When first liquid melts record time and trial. 15.Continue to record for each liquid. 16.When all liquid have melted make a chart to show the fastest liquids that melted.


7 Conclusion Our hypothesis was right. Mountain Dew did thaw out the fastest. Why Mountain Dew thawed out the fastest? Because it doesn’t take long to freeze it. If we did this project again we would use tea, punch, lemonade.

8 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Mrs. Ledbetter, Mrs. Stroud, Mrs. Buscher, Jennifer Norsic, and Raymond Rees, for all the materials

9 Liquid thaw Liquid thaw Kristian & Seth 5A

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