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Publications: Strategy Study Vision Migration to electronic publishing –Quicker turn-around –Personalized delivery of content (agent) Members need to be.

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Presentation on theme: "Publications: Strategy Study Vision Migration to electronic publishing –Quicker turn-around –Personalized delivery of content (agent) Members need to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Publications: Strategy Study Vision Migration to electronic publishing –Quicker turn-around –Personalized delivery of content (agent) Members need to be trained/enabled to be adaptors –will take some years –there’ll still be need for paper journal

2 Publications: Strategy Study Vision Web services will expand –service to TC’s, chapters, committees –authoring & delivery of educational content –members-only area

3 Bring full board up to speed in transition to electronic publishing Action: Invite Tony Darnea (staff pub) for a 45-min presentation, covering overall directions; adopted assumptions of author/member/library/etc; revenue model + flows; features; 5, 10 yr plans When: in 2000 (May BoG?) Team: Publications, Finance

4 Discussion Will libraries stop subscribing? How will CPMT’s IP be valued in the IEEE portfolio How will we realize the revenue stream ($350k/yr) to fund our “creation/editing” services What are feature mixes for Xplore How will IEEE sell it; How will CPMT sell it

5 Focused/customerized/personalized “Journal” Action: offer an all-electronic subscription: 3 journals for $15/$20 for 2001 or 2002 Action: Raise price for paper journal - 2003 Action: develop a plan by 3/2001, for budget input for 2002

6 Discussion & How to implement Started with OPeRA in 1999 -- almost no one used it Xplore has 1988-2000 issues: richer Begin collecting color content in PDF versions –print version: B/W, static –on-line: full color, hyperlinks

7 Discussion & How to implement 2001: all reviews/etc will be postscript or PDF, color (OPRS) 1999: have email notification, with ToC –end of 2000: notification will have 2-sentence summary, hyperlink to PDF on IEEE server. –2003: customerizable profile to notify of Key Papers first, balance of content underneath

8 Discussion & How to implement Seek IEEE implementaion of Agent technology ~ 2003 Reduce # of printed copies by 50% by 2003 Understand IEEE’s model for sales to various constituencies: libraries, indiv. Subscribers, general public, then optimize our membership offerings Optimize the $400k/yr flow, not the $70k/yr member subscriber flow Need to educate members, so they want it, will/can use it

9 Offer lifetime membership in CPMT Conditions: Pay $30 like (MTT) or similar must be/remain IEEE member won’t get printed newsletter -- only on-line/email one can subscribe to journals limited to CPMT lifetime Action: explore alternatives & propose end of 2000 Team: finance, membership, pub’n/Newsletter

10 Discussion MTT did this -- still publishes print nsltr, but may get only e-version on web no expense; no extra fees 1/2 of nslter is our advertizing (conferences, books, etc.) so we want everyone to get e-version still charge $10 for paper newsletter This is equivalent to unbundling our journals -- no entry barrier ($10) for IEEE members, after initial $30 We’d never lose members!

11 On-line dictionary Action: define 10-20 terms in 2000, for understanding Action: put full dictionary on-line: 2001 Team: Publication (Dave Palmer), Tech VP, TC’s

12 Discussion The CD-ROM project gives us a multi-year index to 40+ yrs of publications –borrow this for yahoo-style hierarchy Ask TC’s to define a few dozen each later: enrich information with links, videos, references... links to key papers, tutorial, diagrams, TC’s etc a taxonomy of our field

13 Self-publishing of tutorials/education on Web Action: put first modules on server -- June 2000 Action: Mount authoring SW & how-to on website -- April 2000 Action: set up process & agreement -- 2001

14 Discussion We are promised EWH server space, for now; may want own server in IEEE, or commercial provider we have editing SW free, for download start with NSF/CPMT content; see how this looks use CPMT dictionary taxonomy / hierarchy for use by professors, students, re-educating engineers sources for content: –professor lectures, short courses, conference papers, companies

15 Discussion Hope: many will want to add on to existing modules stratify content: –unreviewed class –peer-reviewed (TC involvement) –on-line posting of reivews (as for eBay) best material/production: –send to IEEE-EAD commercial system (Alan Trembly) high stds; reviewed; professionally made revenue stream

16 Discussion Might capture luncheon talks; videotapes + slides, then edit for web

17 Members-only area on Web Action: explore options and make recommendations by dec 2000

18 Discussion See what surveys feel members want (another group) publish 4-page newsletter for public, with our highlights and ads –reserve reports, etc. for members only see what other content will draw members

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