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H olidays Around the World Presentation By: Claire Chang To say Merry Christmas in Greece, you say Kala Cristouyenna!

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Presentation on theme: "H olidays Around the World Presentation By: Claire Chang To say Merry Christmas in Greece, you say Kala Cristouyenna!"— Presentation transcript:

1 H olidays Around the World Presentation By: Claire Chang To say Merry Christmas in Greece, you say Kala Cristouyenna!

2 Favorite Traditions  On Christmas Eve, small boys sing Christmas carols to the beat of drums and the tingling of triangles from house to house.  They are given dried figs, almonds, sweets, and small gifts.

3 The Holiday Dinner  For the holiday dinner, Pigs are slaughtered, and at almost every table are loaves of christoposomo.

4 Santa Claus St. Nicholas is important in Greece as the patron saint of sailors. According to the Greek tradition, his clothes are drenched with brine, his beard is dripping with seawater, his face is covered with perspiration because he has been working hard against the angry waves to reach sinking ships from the angry sea.

5 Other Facts There is a tradition called kallikantzeri where mischievous goblins appear from the earth

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