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Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss PP VERSUS2 Status Report VERSUS Meeting 04/03/2010, Langen.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss PP VERSUS2 Status Report VERSUS Meeting 04/03/2010, Langen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss PP VERSUS2 Status Report VERSUS Meeting 04/03/2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti USAM-CNMCA

2 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Problems still pending – Versus1 Review of SDO and SAD following suggestions from the STC DONE

3 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Problems still pending – Versus1 Just before Christmas holidays, through the work done by CSCS, Pirmin and PL team, VERSUS has been succesfully installed at MCH. DWD installation is almost completed with installation of patches RHM complete installation is still pending, but GUI works. Problems with upload phase reported

4 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Problems still pending – Versus1 15 -16 December Meeting in Pratica di Mare at CNMCA Main goals Description of new features of VERSUS : COSI and some on EPS systems Review of recent changes Refresh of installation problems with experiences of members (Greece and also Poland and Rumania) Refresh on the advanced use Meeting quite successful with some decision taken on future tasks More clear ideas on task 6 about common graphics

5 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 0: Help Desk, bugs fixing activities and release of VERSUS update Main Activities by PL team and F. Gofa (HMNS) Help Desk activities for VERSUS users Software maintenance Activity of bugs fixings and test/release of package updates to be delivered to the users through ftp Patches test Patch 2 tested and released; Patch 3 ready to be release in March (with COSI, bugs fixing and some other improvements) Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

6 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 0: Help Desk, bugs fixing activities and release of VERSUS update Decision from Dec Meeting…some rules to help the Help Desk Collect all the questions Send all of them on, e.g, Tuesday morning every week (if any) Separate problems due to installations, uploading, scores, graphics in mails Reply for the end of the week (Friday) Problems fixing as soon as possible Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

7 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 0: Help Desk, bugs fixing activities and release of VERSUS update Decision from Dec Meeting…some rules to help the Help Desk Could we have a page with FAQ on COSMO web site? Theodore is already working on something similar for all the project. More news soon PL team will be responsible for selection and posting of questions and answers Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

8 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status Task 1: Implementation of COSI global Index The implementation of COSMO global index COSI will give to COSMO community the possibility of monitoring the long-trend performance of various Cosmo model implementation. COSI index as well as single statistical scores and skill scores used for its calculation will be available through VERSUS with ascii and graphical output.

9 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status Task 1: Implementation of COSI global Index Main Activities (or subtasks) by PL team and all partners Task 1a: Preparation of a technical reference document for COSI index: deadline end of October - DONE Task1b: Implementation of the index: deadline mid December 2009 - DONE Deliverables : Patch 3 of Versus (not only COSI) Update of VERSUS package will include COSI index calculation and graphical/text presentation. Deadline: March 2010 – waiting for checks! (NEW deadline).

10 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Versus2 – SON and DJ tasks status Task 1: Implementation of COSI global Index

11 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Versus2 – SON and DJ tasks status Task 1: Implementation of COSI global Index

12 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status Task 1: Implementation of COSI global Index

13 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 2: Implementation of weather type dependent verification and improvement of CV. The development of weather type dependent verification has an impact on the understanding of model behaviour and its use at the same time. For this reason, based on the experience at MCH, has been decided to develop such a function in VERSUS software. Main Activities (PL team and all the partners) Task 2a: Preparation of a Guidelines document for the development of Weather dependant verification (WDV) DONE during the meeting dec 2009 Task 2b: Conditional verification on different space/time - ONGOING Task 2c: Development of VERSUS software module for the implementation of WDV, CV and update of Web GUI - ONGOING Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

14 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 2: Implementation of weather type dependent verification and improvement of CV. Deliverables: new software modules Update of VERSUS package to include WDV and CV improvement. Deadline: March 2010. Decisions from the Dec. meeting A“standard” Ascii format for VERSUS uploading will be prepared and distributed soon (PL team) : approval from all the partners DONE Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

15 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 2: Implementation of weather type dependent verification and improvement of CV. ClassificationDescription 1 Zonal Westerly anticyclonic 2 Zonal Westerly cyclonic 3Easterly 4 Meridional cyclonic 5 Meridional anticyclonic 6Northerly cyclonic 7Northerly anticyclonic 8 Central Mediterranean High 9Central Mediterranean Ridge 10Central Mediteranean Low 11 Central Mediterranean Trough --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Day (aaaa-mm-gg)Classification (number only) 2010-01-01(TAB)1 Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

16 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 3: Use of new Observation data The use of other data than the ones already managed by VERSUS system is important to make the observational sample larger, important especially for conditional verification and for very high resolution models. Main Activities (PL Team, DWD, MCH) Task 3a: Identification and analysis of Observations to be loaded following SDO priorities: Airep, Amdar, Windprofiler, TEMP (non standard pressure level); - ONGOING (by Uli Plufger) Task3b: Implementation of Loader module (msgs coded in BUFR format) and creation of tables in DB; - STARTED Decision from Dec Meeting Description of verification activities using Airep, Amdar and NSPL: DWD Description of verification activities using Windprofiler: Francis Description of verification activities using Non standard pl of temp: investigation on interpolation possibilities with Field_extra - Francis DONE Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

17 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 3: Use of new Observation data Main Activities Task3c: Integration of the new Upper air observation with the existing ones for production of Upper air verification (DWD perform separately) Task3d: Implementation of verification of Wind gusts using Synop; Task3e: Analysis and description of Radar wind data for use in VERSUS system(VAD, radial); Task3f: Implementation of loader for radar wind data; Decision from Dec Meeting Radar wind: lower priority Deliverables Update of VERSUS package with the new functionalities. Deadline: June 2010 (Maybe JULY) Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

18 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 4: Use of gridded observation (analysis fields) The use of gridded observation (analysis field) is crucial to check the performance of a model compared to an objective analysis (model oriented verification) and to apply special verification methods for very high-resolution models, as Fuzzy verification (through the use of Fuzzy toolbox) and later object oriented verification (MODE and SAL). Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

19 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 4: Use of gridded observation (analysis fields) Main Activities (PL team, DWD, MCH, Rumania) Task4a: Implementation of methods for standard scores - STARTED Task4b: Implementation of Loader module for gridded observation (GRIB coded); Task4c: Detailed documentation of Fuzzy verification toolbox for its integration and implementation in VERSUS package – DONE (by Uli) Task4d: Re-writing Fuzzy IDL code in a more manageable C or Fortran code (TBD) – ONGOING with C coding Task4e: Implementation of Fuzzy toolbox and updating of WEB GUI accordingly Deliverables Update of VERSUS package with the new functionalities. Deadline: March 2010 – To be redefined to MAY 2010 – June 2010 Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

20 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 4: Use of gridded observation (analysis fields) Decisions from Dec meeting Use of gridded observation producing standard statistical scores: PL team IMPORTANT Gridded observations have to be provided on the same grid of the model you to be verified (resolution, area rotation…) Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

21 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 6: Production of common statistical scores and scores graphic Requirements for Common scores plots by WG5 Coordinator (DONE) Decision from Dec Meeting Precipitation (some thresholds), TC, T2m, 10m Ws, MSLP Creation of a the modules to produce common plots through VERSUS: PL Team (some FTE’s more to be assigned) responsibility of plots creation due in time: Poland (J. Linkowska) At present no common area will be defined (next future) Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

22 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 6: Production of common statistical scores and scores graphic Main Activities (PL team, Poland, all partners) Pre-Task6: creation of VERSUS module for common scores graph – new task, deadline MAY (?) – probably later Task6a: Preparation of scores data to be sent to the responsible member; - ONGOING Task6b: Production of seasonal common scores plots and preparation of presentation for GM; - PENDING Deliverables A complete set of common plots following specifications of WG5 Coordinator. Deadline: end of July for SON, DJF and MAM seasons. Beginning of September 2010 for JJA 2010 (depending of the beginning of next GM – if possible) Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

23 PP VERSUS, Status Report | COSMO VERSUS Meeting, 04 March 2010, Langen Adriano Raspanti ( Task 5 and Task 7: documentation on EPS and Feedback files (mail from Uli Plufger about FF to be discussed here in Langen) already started Versus2 – SON and DJF tasks status

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