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GREECE Social Capital Comenius E.R.G.O Equal Rights – Great Opportunities.

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1 GREECE Social Capital Comenius E.R.G.O Equal Rights – Great Opportunities

2 Economical Crisis Due to the new factors that derive from the economical crisis that hit Greece in the last few years, we, the people, had to make new decisions in order to help our fellow citizens who are in need.

3 Supermarkets Everybody doing their shopping bought goods and left them at the supermarkets in order to be given to those people who did not afford to buy anything.

4 Schools Teachers stayed after school to teach those students whose parents could not afford to hire tutors for them.

5 Holidays During Christmas and Easter schoolchildren gathered food, toys and money in order to give them to institutions helping people in need.

6 Municipality Several new movements were initiated because of the crisis. Some of them are: - The doctor at home (Doctors visiting patients at home a fee). - Social supermarket (Food and clothes to be given out to people for free) - Social Pharmacy (Medicine for free) - Social school (Free lessons)

7 Municipality - Help at home (Help for the elderly) - Free lunches (also prepared by churches) - Social work for prisoners (instead of going to jail offenders had to offer their service and assistance to the municipality at posts which needed extra hands)






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