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SABIEDRISKO PAKALPOJUMU REGULESANAS KOMISIJA Andrejs Dombrovskis expert Telecommunications and Postal Department Public Utilities Commission Electronic.

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Presentation on theme: "SABIEDRISKO PAKALPOJUMU REGULESANAS KOMISIJA Andrejs Dombrovskis expert Telecommunications and Postal Department Public Utilities Commission Electronic."— Presentation transcript:

1 SABIEDRISKO PAKALPOJUMU REGULESANAS KOMISIJA Andrejs Dombrovskis expert Telecommunications and Postal Department Public Utilities Commission Electronic Communications Sector and Economic Development in Latvia: regularities and individualities European Enlargement and ICTs | IDATE Foundation’s Seminar

2 2 regulatory system of public utilities ministry of economics public utilities commission saeima municipal regulators local governments - energy - telecommunications - post - railway - domestic waste management -water supply and sewage - heat supply

3 3 regulated public utilities – national level energy: - electricity generation, transmission, distribution and sales; - gas (natural and liquid) transmission, distribution, storage, filling and sales; - cogeneration. telecommunications - local, domestic and international telephone communications in fixed public telecommunications networks; - services of leased lines in fixed public telecommunications networks; - communication services from public telecommunication network payphones. post - domestic and international letter-post items (postcards, letters, printed matter and small packets) - postal parcel items railway - passenger transportation by rail; - public railway infrastructure services to carriers

4 4 public utilities commission’s structure ∆established in July, 2001 ∆the decision-making body – the board ∆chair and commissioners are appointed by the saeima for the period of 5 years ∆staff – ~80 employees, 28 handling regulatory tasks in telecommunications and post sectors

5 5 telecommunications | electronic communications (i) TELECOMMUNICATIONS ∆Telecommunication market open for competition since 1 January 2003 ∆Transposition of EU 1998 legal framework for telecommunications completed (approx. 30 legislative enactments issued by PUC) ended in November 2003 ∆More than 200 individual licences and general authorisations issued ∆More than 40 interconnection agreements signed between network operators, 12 with fixed incumbent ∆More than 10% of numbering resources allocated to new entrants

6 6 telecommunications | electronic communications (ii) market regulation prerequisites according to the 2001 law On Telecommunications: ∆procedure for designation of undertakings as having significant market power ∆market “setting” ∆special requirements for undertakings designated as having significant market power

7 7 fixed voice telephony market breakdown (I) percentage of revenues as of January 2004

8 8 fixed voice telephony market breakdown (II) percentage of minutes as of January 2004

9 9 leased lines services market breakdown as of January 2004 (revenues)

10 10 telecommunications | electronic communications (iii) electronic communications ∆transposition of eu 2002 regulatory framework for electronic communications in process starting from 1 may 2004 ∆at least 30 regulatory acts to be drafted during the transition period by November this year ∆more than 80 new general authorisations already registered ∆strengthened regulation for access and interconnection

11 Markets and SMP Licensing and allocation of scarce resources Access, interconnection, facility sharing and leased lines Tariff and cost allocation methodologies Universal service REGULATIONS QoS requirements and testing Dispute resolution and complaints telecommunications | electronic communications (iv)

12 12 conclusions comparatevely short period of application of old new framework imperfection of policy guiding documents fast transition to new regulatory framework too short time for market to develop

13 S ABIEDRISKO PAKALPOJUMU REGULESANAS KOMISIJA Thank you for attention! visit us at

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