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Dr Nikitas Kastis Lambrakis Research Foundation & President, MENON Network Advanced Technologies in Education Symposium, Kefallinia, July 2004 The Evolution.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Nikitas Kastis Lambrakis Research Foundation & President, MENON Network Advanced Technologies in Education Symposium, Kefallinia, July 2004 The Evolution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Nikitas Kastis Lambrakis Research Foundation & President, MENON Network Advanced Technologies in Education Symposium, Kefallinia, July 2004 The Evolution of Pedagogies, Learning Cultures & Organizational Staructures

2 The Evolution of Pedagogies, Learning Cultures & Organizational Structures, Kefallinia July 2004

3 Technology trends to enhance e-Learning The pivotal role of Wireless communication protocols and the related hardware as well as software solutions The expected evolutions in the field of handheld devices, ensuring access to both wired and wireless LANs and 3G networks The expected developments of Human- Computer Interface technologies and more specifically the handwriting recognition patterns and software systems

4 Technology trends to enhance e- Learning Market Macro- segment Main Technology Trend Impact Forecast Education (academic) Market Peer-to-peer networking, “Web- services” Training (corporate & public) Market Wireless Networking Home (“consumer”) Market Human-computer interface & Wireless Networking

5 Market, Practice and Technology trends E-Learning: a smaller growth than predicted  Slowdown of economic growth and ICT market growth  Effects of population ageing on e-Learning  Increasing personalisation and individualisation  Mergers and acquisitions are slowing down  School segment slowly, but positively evolving  E-Universities: both regional and global  Piracy in education?  Threatened monopolies: the case of Open Source Software  Growing quality awareness  Reuse, VLE, m-Learning: big promises still underdeveloped  Growing integration of services and of e-Learning with face-to- face learning (blended learning)

6 E-Learning policies: from infrastructure to skills and quality of learning  Increasing commitment and coordination within and among EU countries:  e-Government and digital divide  Pedagogical innovation  Flexibility of human capital  The European e-Learning initiative  Increasing synergy and concertation incl. PPPs  Education in policy agendas: increasing awareness, persisting gaps, contradictory trends in Investment in E&T  Spectacular growth, but divergence in research  Gap between research and practice Policy and Research orientations

7 Key messages  E-Learning survived the collapsing e-bubble  Quality is a priority, but different roadmaps  Reuse: big promise  Converging European policies/strategies to meet the needs of quite differently matured national markets  The ambiguous “blended learning” trend  Growing of services with “sandwich functionalities”  Increased Learners acceptance of e-Learning  Coordinated/embedded multi-area policies not to lose focus on e-Learning  Coordinated/embedded multi-area policies not to lose focus on e-Learning  Professionalisation of e-Learning institutions  Improving transferability of skills and competencies  Need for a debate on aims and ownership of learning

8 Forecast on Evolution  Growing presence of e-Learning in E&T expenditure  Supply of e-Learning growing at variable paces (higher growth rate in the next 3-5 years followed by a consolidation phase)  Growing importance of services (integrated service provision most likely scenario in the next 5-10 years)  Human factor kept and learning paradigm modified (shift towards support to learners, learner-to-learner communication, social interaction)  Differentiated scenarios expected (in Schools, Higher Education, Vocational and Corporate Training, Home and Informal Learning)

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