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Mrs. Pace-Edmiston 8th grade PAP ELA. Spring Board Student Consumables  Each student has his own  We will work through the entire book by the end of.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Pace-Edmiston 8th grade PAP ELA. Spring Board Student Consumables  Each student has his own  We will work through the entire book by the end of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Pace-Edmiston 8th grade PAP ELA

2 Spring Board Student Consumables  Each student has his own  We will work through the entire book by the end of the year  Rubrics for Embedded Assessments are in the book  Glossary of terms  Contains Grammar Handbook  Each student has his own  We will work through the entire book by the end of the year  Rubrics for Embedded Assessments are in the book  Glossary of terms  Contains Grammar Handbook

3 Homework? YES!  Reading book  Writing assignments  Studying  Reading book  Writing assignments  Studying

4 SPEED 21 Going Digital Students are expected to have digital citizenship and practice safe, responsible, legal and ethical behavior while using technology tools and resources. No-- You don’t have to go buy a laptop. If student has their own- Great! If not- I have 15 Chromebooks to share. Technology Friendly Atmosphere Digital Portfolios Students are expected to have digital citizenship and practice safe, responsible, legal and ethical behavior while using technology tools and resources. No-- You don’t have to go buy a laptop. If student has their own- Great! If not- I have 15 Chromebooks to share. Technology Friendly Atmosphere Digital Portfolios

5 Your Child Has a Blog!!!  Students are blogging at least once a week  Must have week’s blog in by Thursday at 3:30 PM or sooner  Reflection of their readings  Opinions on characters, conflicts, themes  Strategies used to help understand reading  Questions posed while reading  Connections/Discoveries made while reading  Students are blogging at least once a week  Must have week’s blog in by Thursday at 3:30 PM or sooner  Reflection of their readings  Opinions on characters, conflicts, themes  Strategies used to help understand reading  Questions posed while reading  Connections/Discoveries made while reading

6 How do I see my child’s Blog? You will need your child’s Google ID + Google ID: first 3 letters of last name followed by first 3 letters of first name followed by last 3 numbers of ID Example: John Doe 654321 = doejoh321 Blog address: (only a handful of students have a different address) You will need your child’s Google ID + Google ID: first 3 letters of last name followed by first 3 letters of first name followed by last 3 numbers of ID Example: John Doe 654321 = doejoh321 Blog address: (only a handful of students have a different address)

7 Google Classroom  Students upload digital work through here  Announcements are given to remind students of upcoming projects or homework  There’s an app for that!  Students upload digital work through here  Announcements are given to remind students of upcoming projects or homework  There’s an app for that!

8 Books First Semester  Novel of choice (summer reading requirement-should be completed)  *The Giver by Lois Lowery (must have by Sept. 21, 2015)  Novel of choice (summer reading requirement-should be completed)  *The Giver by Lois Lowery (must have by Sept. 21, 2015)

9 Second Semester Books  Choose one of the following novels for literacy circles:  Parallel Journeys by Eleanor Ayer  The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson  Hidden Like Anne Frank by Marcel Prins & Peter Henk Steenhuis  We Fought Back by Allan Zullo  We Are Witnesses by Jacob Boas  The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender  The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb  A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare (must be in old English with lines numbered)- Wait to get.  Choose one of the following novels for literacy circles:  Parallel Journeys by Eleanor Ayer  The Boy on the Wooden Box by Leon Leyson  Hidden Like Anne Frank by Marcel Prins & Peter Henk Steenhuis  We Fought Back by Allan Zullo  We Are Witnesses by Jacob Boas  The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender  The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb  A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare (must be in old English with lines numbered)- Wait to get.

10 Independent Reading These reading are separate from the required book lists. Each student will be able to self-select books of interests. Because annotations will not be required for these books, purchase will not be necessary. Students will be required to complete 6 independent reading assignments in which they will submit through Google Classroom.

11 Tutorials Monday after school 3:35- 4:00 Tuesday and Thursday mornings 7:45-8:10 All other times are by appointment - Never on a Wednesday Monday after school 3:35- 4:00 Tuesday and Thursday mornings 7:45-8:10 All other times are by appointment - Never on a Wednesday

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