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1 Meeting the Workforce Needs of the Railroad Industry May 27, 2016 Alison Brown Vice-President Human Resources Meeting the Workforce Needs of the Railroad.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Meeting the Workforce Needs of the Railroad Industry May 27, 2016 Alison Brown Vice-President Human Resources Meeting the Workforce Needs of the Railroad."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Meeting the Workforce Needs of the Railroad Industry May 27, 2016 Alison Brown Vice-President Human Resources Meeting the Workforce Needs of the Railroad Industry May 27, 2016 Alison Brown Vice-President Human Resources

2 2 2 2 2 We entered the rapid retirement phase in our workforce eight years ago…

3 3 The changing demographics means there are a higher percentage of less experienced workers We had to reevaluate the way we look at training for the future

4 Building capabilities focused on recruitment, training and retention 4  Strategic Workforce Planning  Talent Management / Succession Planning  Branding  Adding Personal Touch to recruiting with targeting audience (hiring sessions - union/assessment centers – management)  Sourcing: o Diversity Recruiting Strategy including persons with disabilities o Military and University partnerships o Social Networking (Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn)  Partnerships in communities  Physical Capabilities Testing and integrated on-line skills tests  Creation of Talent Pipelines for just-in-time hiring (pools)

5 REDI – Creating a World-Class Training Facility 5  Facility  Static Displays  Simulators  Curricula  E-Learning  Mgmt Involvement  Facility  Static Displays  Simulators  Curricula  E-Learning  Mgmt Involvement

6 6 Building a safety mindset is the core of all REDI programs  Daily safety focus in all classes  Drill and practice on competencies for critical tasks  Initial career advising at REDI  20-40-55 day evaluations during OJT  Annual training in critical topics  Follow up career advising with local supervisors throughout the first two years

7 Building Programs to Drive Employee Engagement and Retention 7  World Class Training Facility  Career Progression Planning  Inclusion Councils (sense of community/belonging)  Associate Development Program  Management Trainee Program  Updated Competency Model for Managers  Leadership by Practicing Mutual Accountability

8 Hidden Slides 8

9 9 Under Two Years: Employees Personal Injury Frequency Index (FI) 2010 FI through 05/31/10; <2 Yr Employee Population on 05/31/10 [estimated] 2009 vs. 2008 36% reduction 36% reduction in FRA reportable injuries— 30 vs. 47 in 2008

10 10 REDI Students by Year

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