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“Top” Abstracts In No Particular Order 0034 – whole body muscular segmentation using multi-atlas techniques 0907 – Filippi et al.: damage to thalamic connectivity.

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Presentation on theme: "“Top” Abstracts In No Particular Order 0034 – whole body muscular segmentation using multi-atlas techniques 0907 – Filippi et al.: damage to thalamic connectivity."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Top” Abstracts In No Particular Order 0034 – whole body muscular segmentation using multi-atlas techniques 0907 – Filippi et al.: damage to thalamic connectivity in MS using DTI metrics (52 RRMS) 1062 – myelin loss in thalamic pathways for TBI in rat, MTR is better than FA/DTI 0493 – VFA for simultaneous B1- and B1+ mapping 0447 – joint estimation of registration and T1 mapping for improved fits, general to all parametric mapping 0442 – T2* mapping, doing 2D acquisition with a 3D readout resolves artifacts 3395 – accuracy analysis for MRF 2825 – very similar to our project: thalamic segmentation using DTI and clustering and validation with gamma knife treatment of VLPv

2 52 RRMS, 57 controls Thalamic connectivity using diffusion tractography Group comparisons and random forests to predict cognitive impairment 22 patients were impaired – Increased FA of motor, post- central, and occipital thalamic CDRs – More atrophy in anterior thalamus Damage of specific cortico- thalamic tracts explained global and specific cognitive dysfunction better than all other MRI variables 0907 Probability maps of thalamic connectivity defined regions (CDRs) and cortico- thalamic tracts obtained from healthy controls.

3 0447

4 33 normals, 2 with GKS 3T, DWI w/ 64 directions, 2x2x2.5 mm 3 FreeSurfer to get whole thalamus on 1mm-iso. MPRAGE Features from orientation distribution functions in spherical harmonic basis – K-means clustering using spatial and SH distance, k=7 Gamma knife surgery of Vim for ET to validate VLV

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