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Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language
Teaching aims : 1.Understand the passage,catch the general meaning and can finish the related ( 相关 的 ) exercises. 3.Can listen to the tape well and finish the listening questions 2.Master the important words,expressions and sentences and can use them correctly.
Atlanta Hippomenes princess prince Greek Greece Goddess foolish promise golden one after another Task 1:learn the new words Give you 2 minutes to remember these words ! 女名 男名 公主 王子 希腊的,希腊 人 希腊 女神 愚蠢的 许诺 金色的 陆续地 会读 { { 认识会读 重点,要 背熟
随堂检测 1 : princess _________ prince __________ Goddess ________ promise_______ 金色的 ________ 一个接一个 ______________ 相信你是最棒的!
1.Why did Atlanta say to her father she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her? 2.Who did Hippomenes ask for help ?And did he get help? Task 2 :Listen to the tape and answer the two questions Because she was angry that she was not allowed to run in the Olympic Games. The Greek Goddess of Love. Yes.
1.Atlanta could run faster than any man. 2.At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. 3.Atlanta was not confident she would win. 4.She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics. 5.Her father did not understand her wish to compete. 6.The Greek Goddess of Love gave Hippomenes three golden apples to help him. Task 3:read the passage and finish the exercises True or False ? 6 分钟后 比一比看谁 是赢者? F F F T T T
Task 4:underline the important sentences, understand them and recite them. 1.She was so angry that she said to her father she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. 2.When a man says he wants to marry me,I will run against him. 3.Other men stayed to run the race.There was a man called Hippomenes who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta’s rules. 4.She promised to help him and gave him three golden apples. 4 分钟后看谁能准确完成句子!
1.She was ____angry ______( 如此、、、以致于 ) she said to her father she couldn’t marry anyone _____________. ( 跑不的没她快的人) 2.Xiu xiang was so fast in the race that no one could ____________him. (与他竞争) 3.Other men stayed to __________ ( 参加赛 跑).There was a man ______ (叫) Hippomenes who _____ ________ 感到很惊奇 when he _____ ______ 听到 Atlanta’s rules. 4.She _____ 许诺 to help him and gave him three ______ 金色的 apples. 随堂检测 2 :用课文重要单词、短语、句式填空
Have a talk with your partners to give the story an interesting end. Task 5:continue the story 比一比看谁是想象的天才! 我一定要比你棒! 3 分钟时间准备!
Atlanta married him and they live happily. When the race began Atlanta ran past him. She ran too slowly and he won. He threw the golden apples one after another. 按故事情节排序 Please listen carefully. I believe you can do it well ! (1) (2) (3) (4) Task6: listen to the tape and number the sentences in order of the story.
Task 7 : Read the last part of the passage and recite the underlined words and expressions.
So the next day the race began.Hippomenes ran very fast but Atlanta ran faster.Then she was in front of him.Hippomenes threw one of the golden apples.She stopped and ran to get it and Hippomenes ran by.When Atlanta saw him in front,she ran faster than the fastest bird.Then she flew past him,and was front again.Again Hippomenes threw another apple and Atlanta stopped to pick it up. When she reached Hippomenes the third time,he threw the third apple.This time,Atlanta was tired and could not catch up with Hippomenes.So Hippomenes won the game.Thanks to the Goddess they got married and lived happily.
Task 8:fill in the blanks to retell the stories 3 分钟时间准备!整体把握文章, 运用重要单词,短语和句式,用 填空的形式来复述故事!
Atlanta was a Greek princess who could run faster than ____men in Greece but she was not ______to run in the Olympic Games.She was ____angry _____she would run _____any man who wanted to marry her.Many men failed and were killed.Then a man _____Hippomenes saw her and wanted to marry her.So he asked for help from the Greek Goldness of Love.She gave him three_____apples. Then the race began.Every time Atlanta was in front of Hippomenes,he _____one golden apple and at last when Atlanta ______the third apple _____,she was very tired and could not run so fast.At the same time,the apples were heavy and she couldn’t ____ _____ ____Hippomenes. So Hippomenes won the race.___ ____the goldness they lived happily ever after. 随堂检测 3 : Fill in the blanks to retell the passage 相信你是最终的胜利者!
Homework : Write an interesting Greek story. 下一课比一比谁的希腊故事最有趣! 谢谢您的合作!
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