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The Prince, The Princess, And The Dragon. Chapter 1 The Dragon There was once a castle dragon who did not want to scare people that were in the dungeon.

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Presentation on theme: "The Prince, The Princess, And The Dragon. Chapter 1 The Dragon There was once a castle dragon who did not want to scare people that were in the dungeon."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Prince, The Princess, And The Dragon

2 Chapter 1 The Dragon There was once a castle dragon who did not want to scare people that were in the dungeon. She gave her food to the prisoners. (aka she was kind.)

3 Chapter 2 The Problem On April 4 th 2009 the prince demanded to get married. The king and queen have never seen their son so angry! After a week of the prince having a fit, and the king and queen thinking, the king and queen arranged a ball where all the women in the village would come together and he would see who he will chose to marry. Come to the Ball! When : May 1 Time;6:00-1:00 NO DRAGONS ALLOWED! This is the invitation!

4 Chapter 2 Continued The problem was that Sally (the dragon) was not allowed because on the sign it says NO DRAGONES ALLOWED! Sally was crying for hours. She cried so much she needed to go to the well to get water in her body.

5 Chapter 3 Sally Meets The Fairy Inside of the well, she saw a nest with something inside of it. It had wings, but it was not a bird. Then sally said “what are you?” then the thing woke up “who is there?” “it is a dragon.” “don’t eat me!” “don’t worry, I'm friendly. I’m the castle dragon.” “ooohhh I have heard of you! You are in all of the news papers!”

6 Chapter 3 Continued “do you grant me three wishes?” said Sally. “what?” “three wishes, you know. I wish for something and you make it come true.” ooohhh ya. Ooohhh and my name is Flutter the fairy. What would you like?” “I wish to be beautiful for one night.” “ok. Splash splash hoka poka lalala.” and poof. She was pretty. “ You now look like a young princess. But you have to be home by 12:00 am or the magic will come of.” “the ball ends at 1:00am.” “I mean 12:00 pm. Now go go go!”

7 Chapter 4 The Ball When she got to the ball she went over and got some punch. When she was getting the punch, she saw a man but she didn’t know it was the prince. She asked him to dance and they danced all night long.

8 Chapter 5 The Clock They danced so long she didn't realize what time it was, it was MIDNIGHT! She ran as fast as she could but her high heel shoes made her slower so she took off her shoes and ran.

9 Chapter 5 Continued When she got to the dungeon she was a dragon again. She cried again like she did before and went to the well she saw the fairy and told her every thing. The fairy went deep in the well and came out with a mirror that showed what the prince was doing and it showed him dancing with a princess named Maria. Sally was angry! Then someone came and asked flutter to try on the big shoes then flutter said “ my feet are to small to fit in those big shoes, but I think I know who would.” “there is no one left in the village.” “I would like to try on the shoe.” said Sally in a very shy voice. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You?” said the guy “yes.” “fine but it is just a waste of your time.” so she tried on the shoe but it didn’t fit. It was Maria’s!!! “Maria must be like Cinderella! Maybe the man will come tomorrow.” thought Sally.

10 Chapter 6 The next day The next day, Sally saw the magic mirror and the prince was with Maria again! Sally was angry and sad at the same time!!!  :-( She said “I will wait until the man comes!” but the man never came!  |:-(

11 Chapter 7 The Prince gets marred! The prince got marred to Maria and lived happily ever after. Sally stayed a dragon and did not live happily ever after. The fairy was a tooth fairy and became a dentist and lived happily ever after.


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