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Extensive reading. Revision Translation 1. They had to compete against several larger companies to get more buyers. 2. The famous actor was interviewed.

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Presentation on theme: "Extensive reading. Revision Translation 1. They had to compete against several larger companies to get more buyers. 2. The famous actor was interviewed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extensive reading

2 Revision Translation 1. They had to compete against several larger companies to get more buyers. 2. The famous actor was interviewed. by reporters about his marriage.

3 3. Can you find out Mr. Liu’s address for me? 4. Why do you suppose he changed his mind suddenly? 5. I don’t understand how the two ideas relate to each other.

4 Reading (P14) 1.Talk about the two pictures. (1).Who is the man? What about the girl? (2). What can you see in the picture? (3). What is the girl giving to the man?

5 (4). What are golden apples used for?

6 The race

7 The unbeaten Atalanta captivated Hippomenes. Venus was determined to help him by giving him three golden apples,

8 which he dropped as he raced Atalanta, who lost time by stopping to pick up each treasure. With this trick, Hippomenes won the race and his bride.

9 (1) Who was Atlanta? (2) What was she good at? (3) Who did she want to marry? (4) How could Hippomenes win Atlanta? Skimming

10 (1) Who was Atlanta? Atlanta was a Greek princess. (2) What was she good at? She was good at running.

11 (3) Who did she want to marry? She wanted to marry the men who ran faster than her. (4) How could Hippomenes win Atlanta? He won him with the help of three golden apples.

12 (5) Main idea: It’s about Atlanta who races to marry the man who can run faster than her. In order to win the race, Hippomenes asked for help from the Goddess of Love.

13 She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her. [ 考点 ] marry 是及物动词,表示 “ 与 …… 结婚 ” ,无须再用其他介词。 (1) 常见结构有: be married (to) ,用于 表示结婚的状态; get married (to) ,用 于表示结婚的动作; marry sb. to sb. 把 …… 嫁给。

14 (2) marry 是非延续性动词,不可与表 示一段时间的状语连用。 (3) be married 可以与表示一段时间的 状语连用。

15 [ 考例 ] My uncle ______ until he was forty-five. (上海 2000 ) A . married B . didn’t marry C . was not marrying D . would marry [ 点拨 ] 句意为:我的叔叔直到 45 岁才结 婚。 marry 不能用进行时,故排除 C 。当 短暂动词与 until 连用时,应用否定形式。

16 True or False questions. (P14) 1. She practised running to compete in the Olympic Games. ( ) 2. At first Hippomenes understood why men ran against Atlanta. ( ) 3. Atlanta was not confident she would win. ( ) F F F

17 4. She was so angry that she could not run in the Olympics. ( ) 5. She made as many men as she could share her pain. ( ) 6. Her father did not understand her wish to compete in the Olympiscs. ( ) 7. He didn’t refuse her wish to choose a husband in a race. ( ) T T T T

18 Reading task (P51) Bjornar Hakensmoen What happened What he did A Canadian’s skiing pole broke during a race. He gave her his own pole even though his Norwegian team were competing against her team.

19 Bjornar Hakensmoen What he said What Sarah said It is only what any good sportsman would do. Hakensmoen showed the true meaning of sport.

20 Eric Williams His situation What he does What people say He has low mental ability. He takes part in the Special Olympics. He does his best and appreciates any help given to him.

21 Kip Keino His situation What he did What it showed What people thought He was very ill and in great pain. He still took part in the race. True courage and perseverance. They praised him by putting him on the front cover of a sports magazine.

22 Finish the exercises. (P49-50 Ex.1&3) Summary and homework

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