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Boats, Buoys, and Science Teachers: A Winning Combination Presented By Cyndy Leard.

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Presentation on theme: "Boats, Buoys, and Science Teachers: A Winning Combination Presented By Cyndy Leard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Boats, Buoys, and Science Teachers: A Winning Combination Presented By Cyndy Leard

2 A Science Workshop Sponsored By

3 COOS Network of people and technologies Collect meteorological and physical oceanographic data On an hourly basis Disseminate this information to users

4 How is this data collected? Instrument packages mounted on buoys platforms moorings

5 Who uses this data? Commercial Mariners Coastal Resource Managers Search & Rescue Teams Emergency Response TeamsPublic Health Officials Scientists & Educators

6 Professional Development Opportunity for Secondary Science Teachers Five Day Workshop

7 Educator Participants Alternate Route Certification Teacher Veteran Teacher University Science Educator Preservice Teacher

8 Introduce teachers to COOS science and data Provide learning experiences and resources focusing on COOS science Develop teachers willing to use COOS science and real-time data with their students Initiate an understanding of the societal importance of the COOS effort Purpose

9 How will we reach these goals? Take part in real-world science experiences Record our experiences Reflect on those experiences Share our experiences Collaborate to build ongoing support systems

10 Three Distinct Workshop Events Introduction to Buoy Technology Interface with Data and Resources Research Cruise

11 Buoy Technology Introduction Coastal Ocean Observing Systems Labs Center for Ocean Technology

12 Research Cruise Experience

13 Buoy Retrieval

14 Buoy Deployment

15 Data Monitoring

16 Instrument Exchange Twenty minutes…

17 …becomes two hours!

18 Interface With Data and Resources Locating information Using data Discussing effective teaching practices Generating lesson ideas Giving feedback

19 New Ideas Fouling Communities Data Sources Ship Modification Force and Motion

20 More Ideas Buoy fabrication Instrumentation Engineering Real-world issues –Bird Guano –Lightning Diffusion Careers –Ship’s crew –Educators

21 Bringing It All Together What have we learned? How do we share these experiences? Where do we go from here?

22 What Have We Learned? COOS science gives us a unique opportunity to build a foundation with scientists and educators to develop inquiry based lessons for classrooms Having a cross-section of teachers is advantageous in creating learning communities There is no substitute for an authentic research experience Using modern technologies to record the events is an easy way to gather data and share findings

23 How Do We Share These Experiences? “How To” Manual Materials for the NMEA journal Video Clips for the SECOORA website Lesson Plans Educational Research Publication

24 Where Do We Go From Here? As Far As Our Imaginations Will Take Us

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