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Welcome Opening Prayer ED 212 Foundations of Education.

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1 Welcome Opening Prayer ED 212 Foundations of Education

2 Syllabus Course Outcomes Assignments – Chapter assignments Calendar

3 Objectives Content: 1.I will identify what motivated me to choose teaching as a career. 2.I will describe the program of teacher preparation in the BYUH School of Education and the requirements for receiving an ITEP Certificate. 3.I will identify what it means to be a reflective practitioner. Language: 1.I will share with the class my motivation for choosing teaching as a career. 2.I will write and discuss what it means to be a reflective practitioner.

4 Choosing to become a teacher Think, Write, Share 1.Think about why you chose teaching as a career. (pg. 33) 2.Write down 3-5 things that motivated you to become a teacher. 3.Share your story with the class in less than 3 minutes.

5 Routes to Teaching Traditional Route 4 year university degree Kiribati Teachers College Alternative Routes Professionals who wish to change careers Degrees in various areas who wish to become a teacher ITEP Certificate: Must be completed by Dec. 2014 or three years from the date of hire. Church School Teacher Scholarship (CSTS)

6 ITEP Certificate SPED200 Education of Exceptional Children3 EDUC212Foundations of Education2 EDUC300Human Growth and Learning2 SCED*301Reading in the Content Area2 EDUC305Technology for the Classroom Teacher1 EDUC*312Effective Pedagogy3 ELED**321Elementary Reading Methods3 EDUC*326 SIOP Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol2 EDUC*330Class Management2 EDUC385Classroom Assessment3 ITEP*492Student Teaching12 *Core/Non-waived courses effective 1 January, 2013 **301 or 321 required, not both courses

7 2014 ITEP Class Schedule 2014 ITEP Class Schedule Course Number TitleDates scheduled to be taught ED 305Technology in the Classroom14 Jan-17 Jan; 9:00-12:00 ED 492Student Teaching – Session #1Wed. 28 Jan; 9:00-11:00 28 Jan – 16 Apr Wed. 16 Apr: 3:15-5:15 ED 492Student Teaching – Session #2Wed. 2 Apr; 3:15-5:15 2 Apr – 2 Jul Wed. 2 Jul; 3:15-5:15 ED 326SIOPWed. In-service; 3:15-5:15 29 Jan, 19 Feb, 12 Mar, 26 Mar, 23 Apr, 21 May, 11 Jun, 25 Jun ED 212Foundations of EducationTues/Thurs; 11 Feb-13 Mar,3:15-5:15 ED 514R3Career CounselingTues. 11 Feb – 8 Apr; 3:30-6:00 ED 312Effective PedagogyTues/Thurs; 18 Mar-1 May; 3:15-5:15 ED 330Classroom ManagementTues/Thurs; 20 May-3 Jul; 3:15-5:15

8 Reflective Practitioner Activity: 1.In your group, take turns reading and retelling pg. 13-14, “What does it mean to be a reflective practitioner? 2.Write About: a)Each person writes one sentence about what it means to them to be a reflective practitioner. b)Pass the paper to the left. Write a sentence that is different from the previous sentence about a reflective practitioner. c)Continue till 3-4 sentences have been written. 3.Group Share

9 Objectives Content: 1.I will identify what motivated me to choose teaching as a career. 2.I will describe the program of teacher preparation in the BYUH School of Education and the requirements for receiving an ITEP Certificate. 3.I will identify what it means to be a reflective practitioner. Language: 1.I will share with the class my motivation for choosing teaching as a career. 2.I will write and discuss what it means to be a reflective practitioner.

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