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Energy Neighbourhoods Presentation 3 rd November 2009.

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1 Energy Neighbourhoods Presentation 3 rd November 2009

2 Energy Neighbourhoods 1 A project:- to get people closer to the Kyoto protocol to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas generation. It started in Europe and last winter it started in Britain.

3 Energy Neighbourhoods 2 Teams of households tried to reduce their energy consumption last winter [6 months November to end of April] and there was a competition to see which could reduce it the most compared with winter 2007/2008.

4 Energy Neighbourhoods 3 One team was formed in South Gloucestershire after Sustainable Thornbury was contacted by the Severn Wye Energy Agency. There were thirteen teams in Gloucestershire. The aim was to demonstrate how significant reductions can be made through changes in behaviour alone.

5 Energy Neighbourhoods 4a There were weekly tips to help you cut down. Simple actions such as:- not overfilling your kettle when you boil it, turn off the lights when you leave a room regularly defrosting your freezer Lowering room temperature by 1 degree can cut your heating bill by 10%.

6 Energy Neighbourhoods 4b weekly tips continued Some items continue to consume when on standby and some when switched off; switch off at the socket. Change the central heating so its only on when needed. Shower rather than have a bath Iron less.

7 Energy Neighbourhoods 5a Device Standby (watts) On (watts) Hi-Fi/Stereo 12 22 TV 10 100 Video recorder 1 13 DVD player 7 12 Digital TV set top player 5 6 Mobile phone charger 1 5 cont-

8 Energy Neighbourhoods 5b Device Standby (watts) On (watts) Computer /peripherals 15 130 Computer Monitor 11 70 Laptop 2 29 Broadband 14 14 Answering machine 3 3 Battery Charger 2 14 Mobile phone charger 1 5 Total 83 418

9 Energy Neighbourhoods 6 Vigilance is a key. Establish new habits. After checking consumption with “things off” at the end of the day action was taken to reduce consumption by about 50 watts.

10 Energy Neighbourhoods 7 To help some simple gadgets were supplied eg: - low energy bulbs and power down devices which automatically shut off computer peripherals when the computer is shut down. - Bye bye standby units to remotely shut off things [good for items supplied from an awkward to reach socket behind a chair.]

11 Energy Neighbourhoods 8 Energy monitors, one for individual items and one which shows the total electrical power a household is using were very enlightening. One person in the scheme found out they had been paying over £120 a year to pump water in their pond! Now you can borrow energy monitors from your library.

12 Energy Neighbourhoods 9 The 'South Glos' team came second in Britain with a 15% reduction. First was Wotton Energy Watch 17.22% First in Europe was Ahlgren in Sweden 37.63%

13 Energy Neighbourhoods 10 Energy use range in South Glos team. Winter 6 months In 2007/8 8917 kwh to 24508 kwh In 2008/9 7163 kwh to 20326 kwh

14 Energy Neighbourhoods 11 The Energy Neighbourhood web site, has lots of information and tips. They are hoping to run it again probably from January so if anyone out there is interested get in touch with SWEA.

15 Energy Neighbourhoods 12a

16 Energy Neighbourhoods 12b

17 Energy Neighbourhoods 12c

18 Energy Neighbourhoods 13 Continued monitoring. This weekend 1 year completed:- Energy Kwh Pounds £ tonnes Co2 Gas 110003702.1 elec 48276003.4 total 158279705.5 Car 10,000miles 50mpg 9502.4

19 Energy Neighbourhoods 14a But remember this is only a start energy use in the house is about 30-40% of our use- so ~ 5% of total use

20 Energy Neighbourhoods 14b We have to reduce our CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050

21 Energy Neighbourhoods 14c What are we going to do? Its up to us!

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