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AHECS Employability Best Practice Task Group 2012 - 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "AHECS Employability Best Practice Task Group 2012 - 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHECS Employability Best Practice Task Group 2012 - 2014

2 Members:  Executive Representation – Joanne Holland, LIT  Chair – Elaine Browne, UCC  Deirdre Parker-UCC, Orlaith Tunney-TCD, Angela Collins-WIT, Elaine Kiely-UL, Josephine Walsh-NUIG, Shirley McCaugherty-QUB, Joanne Holland, LIT Mission: To bring a team of careers professionals together with some input from Graduate Employers and Academic Staff with the purpose of co-operating and linking expertise to develop Best Practice Employability Initiatives to enhance employability of students and graduates both north and south.

3 To define and promote an ‘ Employability Pack ’ for Careers Services which will contain: Employability Statement Template  HE Employability Module (supported by PDP)  Awards System/Certificate (linked to PDP)

4 HE Employability Module (supported by PDP) ______________________________________________ Current Outcomes Achieved:  Phil McCash, University of Warwick  Constructing Careers Education –  Curriculum Design for HE Employability Module - 6 th Sept 2012

5 Project Timeline for HE Employability Module



8  Dates for Executive Meetings for 2013 so Employability Best Practice Task Group (EBPTG) can plan their diary e.g. have meetings prior to Executive meetings so as to provide feedback on project progress.  Resources for the 2 years (2,000 euro) + (1,000 euro) on reserve if needed. It is estimated that the Consultative Session with key stake-holders - Academics, Employers and Students will cost approximately 1,000 euro including Facilitator, room bookings, lunch etc.,  It is estimated that the printing of the Employability Module into pdf brochure will cost 1,000 euro.  Section on the AHECS website for EBPTG where working documents/reading material can be stored and shared between group members. Once project completed (pdf), materials made available on the main AHECS website for all members.  There was no charge to AHECS for Training Day with Phil McCash in September 2012 as was covered by attendees university/college.

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