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Mendoza,Veronicka D. Carag,Abegail Palmiano,Myla Information Processing Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Mendoza,Veronicka D. Carag,Abegail Palmiano,Myla Information Processing Theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mendoza,Veronicka D. Carag,Abegail Palmiano,Myla Information Processing Theory

2 Information Processing Theory Name some tools and equipment used in baking?

3 Information Processing Theory Was it easy or hard? It depends on several things like: If you are in the world of cooking or baking. You have knowledge and experience in baking.

4 Information Processing Theory

5 General to SpecificDeclarativbeProceduralEpisodicConditional EncodingStorageRetrieval Information Processing Theory Executive Control Processes StagesTypes of Knowledge Information Processing Theory


7 Types of Knowledge General Vs. Specific This involves whether the knowledge is actual in many tasks or only in one.

8 Types of Knowledge Declarative This refers to factual knowledge.They relate to the nature of how things are.They may be in the form of a word or an image. Example: Your name,address,nursery rhyme.

9 Types of Knowledge Procedural This includes knowledge on how to do things. Example: Making lesson plan,baking a cake.

10 Types of Knowledge Episodic This includes memories of life events,like your high school graduation.

11 Types of Knowledge Conditional This is about “knowing when and why” to apply declarative or procedural strategies.

12 Stages in the Information Processing Theory Encoding Information is sensed,perceived and attended to.

13 Stages in the Information Processing Theory Storage The information is stored for either a brief or extended period of time,depending upon th processes following encoding.

14 Stages in the Information Processing Theory Retrieval The information is brought back at the appropriate time and reactivated for use on a current task,the true measure of effective memory.

15 Sensory Register Capacity: Our mind receives a great amount of information but it is more than what our minds can hold or perceive. Duration: The sensory register only holds the information for an extremely brief period-in order of 1-3 seconds

16 The Role of Attention

17 Short Term Memory

18 Long Term Memory The LTM is the final or permanent storing house for memory information.It holds the stored information until needed again. Capacity:LTM has unlimited capacity Duration:Duration in the LTM is indefinite.

19 Forgetting

20 Executive Control Processes(including Metacognition) Senses Sens ory Mem ory Percept ion Long Term Short term Decay Retrieve Forget Information Processing Model


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