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Kuliah 9 : Product Architecture. Dira Ernawati, ST.MT2 Planning Concept Develop. System- Level Design Detail Design Testing And Refinement Production.

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Presentation on theme: "Kuliah 9 : Product Architecture. Dira Ernawati, ST.MT2 Planning Concept Develop. System- Level Design Detail Design Testing And Refinement Production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kuliah 9 : Product Architecture

2 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT2 Planning Concept Develop. System- Level Design Detail Design Testing And Refinement Production Ramp-Up Marketing Design Mfg Other

3 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT3 What is Product Architecture? The scheme by which the functional elements of the product are arranged into physical chunks and by which the physical chunks interact.

4 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT4 Elements of Product Architecture Functional elements: individual operations and transformations that contribute to the overall performance of the product. Physical elements: the parts, components, and sub-assemblies that ultimately implement the product ’ s functions.

5 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT5 Product Architecture Physical elements are typically organized into several major building blocks: chunks Each chunk: a collection of components that implement the functions of the product The architecture of a product: the scheme by which the functional elements of the product are arranged into physical chunks and by which the chunks interact

6 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT6 Modular Architecture chunks implement one or a few elements interactions between chunks are well-defined and fundamental to the primary functions of the product allows a design change in one chunk without requiring changes to other chunks most modular: each functional element is implemented by exactly one chunk

7 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT7 Modular Architecture Examples Xerox copier Personal computer Residential AC units

8 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT8 Integral Architecture functional elements of the product are implemented using more than one chunk a single chunk implements many elements interactions between chunks ill-defined, may be incidental to the primary functions of the products used with products with highest possible performance in mind

9 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT9 Integral Architecture Examples High-performance transmission Precision-ground bearings Table knife

10 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT10 Slot-Modular Architecture each interface between chunks different – various chunks cannot be interchanged example: automobile radio - implements exactly one function, but interface different from any other components in the vehicle

11 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT11 Bus-Modular Architecture a common bus to which chunks connect via the same type of interface examples: track-lighting, shelving system with rails, expansion card for PC

12 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT12 Sectional-Modular Architecture all interfaces of same type, but no single element to which all other chunks attach assembly built by connecting chunks to each other via identical interfaces examples: piping systems, office partitions

13 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT13 Implications of the Architecture Decisions about how to divide the product into chunks, and how much modularity, are linked to: product change product variety manufacturability product development management

14 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT14 Product Change - Motives upgrade: technology or user needs evolve add-ons: add to basic unit; third-party adaptation: different use environments wear: replace elements, extend useful life consumption: replenish consumables flexibility in use: configured for different uses reuse: new models from small changes

15 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT15 Product Variety Products built around modular architectures can be more easily varied without adding tremendous complexity to the manufacturing systems example: Swatch watches - many different hands, faces, wristbands but small selection of movements and cases

16 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT16 Manufacturability Product architecture directly affects the ability of the team to design each chunk to be produced at low cost One DFM strategy involves minimization of the number of parts through component integration, but component integration across several chunks is difficult DFM must start at system-level design

17 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT17 Product Development Management Modular and integral architecture demand different project management styles modular - requires very careful planning during system-level design integral - less planning during system-level, but more integration, conflict resolution, and coordination during detail design

18 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT18 Establishing the Architecture Four-step method: Create a schematic of the product Cluster the elements of the schematic Create a rough geometric layout Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions

19 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT19 Create a Schematic Schematic: a diagram of the team’s understanding of the elements of the product physical concepts, critical components, and functional elements if product is a complex system with hundreds of functional elements, group into fewer, higher - level functions to be decomposed later

20 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT20 Schematic For A Wristwatch

21 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT21 Cluster the Elements of the Schematic To determine when there are advantages to clustering, consider: geometric integration and precision function sharing capabilities of vendors similarity of design or production technology localization of change accommodating variety enabling standardization

22 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT22 Create a Rough Geometric Layout Geometric layout in two- or three-dimensions drawings computer models physical models cardboard or foam evaluate clustering coordinate with industrial designers

23 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT23 Identify the Fundamental and Incidental Interactions fundamental: those corresponding to the lines on the schematic that connect the chunks together; planned incidental: those that arise because of the particular physical implementation of functional elements, or because of the geometric arrangement of the chunks example: chunks creating motion may have vibration as an incidental interaction

24 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT24 Related System-Level Design Issues The four-step method for establishing architecture guides the early design activities, but more detailed activities remain: defining secondary systems establishing architecture chunks creating detailed interface specifications

25 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT25 Defining Secondary Systems many functional and physical elements not shown on schematic (for simplicity) others may be conceived as system-level design evolves examples: safety systems, power systems, structural supports management issue: who takes on responsibility for their design?

26 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT26 Establishing Architecture Chunks some chunks of a complex system may be complex systems themselves each of these may have its own architecture - same issues, procedures apply as for the system

27 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT27 Creating Detailed Interface Specifications as system-level design progresses, fundamental interactions need more refinement - as a result, specification of the interfaces need to be clarified interfaces represent “contracts” between chunks -often detailed in formal specification documents

28 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT28 Summary Product architecture: the scheme by which functional elements are arranged into physical chunks Architecture decisions have far- reaching implications product change, product variety component standardization product performance product manufacturablility

29 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT29 Summary (cont.) Key characteristic of a product architecture - the degree to which it is modular or integral Modular architectures - those in which each physical chunk implements a specific set of functional elements, and has well-defined interactions with other chunks Three types of modular: slot-modular, bus-modular, sectional modular

30 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT30 Summary (cont.) Integral architectures - those in which the implementation of functional elements is spread across chunks, resulting in ill-defined interactions between chunks

31 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT31 Summary (cont.) Four-step method for establishing product architecture: Create a schematic of the product Cluster the elements of the schematic Create a rough geometric layout Identify the fundamental and incidental interactions

32 Dira Ernawati, ST.MT32 Summary (cont.) Four-step method leads the team through preliminary architectural decisions Subsequent system-level and detail design activities contribute to a continuing evolution of the architectural details Due to broad implications of architectural decisions, inputs from marketing, manufacturing and design are essential

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