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Peter Vanacore, MSW Executive Director Juergen Kneifel, MBA CAYM BoardAYM Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Vanacore, MSW Executive Director Juergen Kneifel, MBA CAYM BoardAYM Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Vanacore, MSW Executive Director Juergen Kneifel, MBA CAYM BoardAYM Board

2 Christian Association of Youth Mentoring CAYM Church-Based Mentoring

3 Goal of this session To examine methods of building sustainable mentoring programs by greatly reducing the cost per match through partnerships with churches.

4 Objectives 1.To examine partnerships that will motivate churches to engage in mentoring 2.To explore program models that reduce cost and increase sustainability through church-based mentoring teams 3.To present methods of supporting churches that will help sustain mentoring partnerships and increase the effectiveness of mentoring relationships

5 Why Churches?

6 Calling - many feel “called” to mentoring Needs - they see the need In the church In the community They respond diligently when led directly

7 50/50 Pact CAYM asks churches to mentor kids in the church and community

8 50% of matches in the church 50% in partnerships with the community Schools Juvenile justice Social Services

9 Church-Based Partnerships

10 Volunteer-led teams Best practices Long-term support

11 How to Motivate Pastors and Church Boards

12 Local church “ownership” Meeting needs of the “flock” Reaching outside the church walls Living their faith - not pushing it

13 Community resource Partnering, not affiliated with schools and government agencies Church-based is an option for parents/youth Church & State

14 Building Church- Based Teams

15 Team Preparation & Organization Church/board relations Pre-training

16 Training and Materials Recruiting Screening Training Supervision Evaluation

17 Post-training Coaching - regularly scheduled Webinars Online resources Advanced training

18 Sustaining Church- Based Ministries

19 Before starting: Pastor and board approval Consistent coaching Recognition and updates Continued training Evaluation

20 Management Tools

21 eMentorLife Mentor application, screening and tracking Program evaluation and oversight GoToMeeting Online training Team meetings

22 Church-based savings Cost/match

23 Churches pay between $375-$2300 for CAYM training, materials and services

24 Sample of Sites

25 Calvary Chapel - St. Petersburg, FL Perimeter Chruch - John’s Creek, GA Vision Urbana - New York City Calvary Chapel - Grass Valley California Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church - LA City of Refuge - La

26 Contact us:

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